Aliens/Extraterrestrials in Berbania

Extraterrestres en Berbania (Spanish)

Extraterrestres Ă  Berbanie (French)

Extratereçtre unde Berbània/Hìrahuassé (Monegasque)

Appórvalaza Hirawhássa (Dairkian)

Gukkloańy Čollathaves (Corachan)

Gouklòaŋŋaí Çollaràwhosa (Dinojerullese)

As opposed to planet Earth, Berbania or Hirawhassa represents an exoplanet where the majority of the life forms are aliens, some of which are native species and others of which are transplanted species from other continents and countries. Several of Earth's fauna are in peril because humans have brought in new monsters.

Most Berbanian extraterrestrials have a pair of trachea gills for each species, while there are originals from their several homes. The vast majority of extraterrestrials possess magical or dark magic that was either transmitted naturally or by Earth's earlier inhabitants. The undiscovered pantheon known as Berbanian or Hirawhassan is where many aliens originate from.

Humans, cyborgs, gods, and residents of Terra used the broad term "alien" to refer to any sentient species that was not a human or a eukaryote in the cosmos. Non-eukaryote organisms and non-human beings were sometimes used interchangeably. Unknown Aliens of Defence Protocols, which were adopted by the UN and SETI, controlled formal encounters with unidentified extraterrestrial species.


