Madlaw Basiliorgos

Miscellosaurus ira / Indominodraco mixtogladius

Madlaw Basiliorgos

2020: “ Another creature who shares the anger and vengeance of impervious anything with a positive side for the rage, that dragon is not an easy option. ”

Revamped: “ The other Basiliorgos became a failed experiment because of scrambled genes, alleles, and being harder to tell. The most powerful, dreadful, and wicked hybrid animal made by not man, but my kind. ”

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Theropoda

Family: ???

Genius: Miscellosaurus

Species: Miscellosaurus ira

Descendant: (Tyrannosaurus rex × Utahraptor ostrommaysi × Velociraptor mongoliensis × Gallus gallus × Hystrix cristata × Homo sapiens (Human) × Homo nobilis (Middle-earth Elf) × Ankylosaurus magniventris × Megalosaurus bucklandii × Majungasaurus crenatissimus × Carnotaurus sastrei × Rugops primus × Dilophosaurus wetherilli × Therizinosaurus cheloniformis × Troodon formosus × Confuciusornis sanctus × Nothosaurus mirabilis × Saltasaurus loricatus × Chamaeleo chamaeleon × Neodraco europa × Leiopelma hamiltoni)

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 34.67 m long in length; 4.5 m tall in height; 4000 kg in weight

Type: Hybrid


Pantheon: Terran

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Aggressive

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Earth

Inflicts: Earthed, bleeding, muted, slowness, sundered

Casualties: Countless civilians, militias, poachers, knights, and others

Based On: Indominus rex and Indoraptor from Jurassic World 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered

Bloodlust Basiliorgos or Madlaw Basiliorgos (Indominodraco mixtogladius; Greek: Βασιλιώργος, ο Κακός Ιππότης; Vasiliórgos, o Kakós Ippótis; IPA: bɑːsɪljɔːrˌɡəs) is the one of main third antagonist from Worldcraft: Elf's Heritage, this is the only one of the two transgenic guardians of Zowhringe Island.


From Greek word, "Βασιλιάς" (Vasiliás) means "king", and "νεκρός" means "dead". Which means "Death King" in Greek language coined by Miriel's ancestors. From the title "bloodlust" is very aggressive and their marks are the same as the name suggests.

Physical Appearance

Madlaw Basiliorgos is a only kind of transgene dragon with the physical appearance, except for their red markings from quills; spikes; osteoderms; spear-tipped tail; and even horns. The horns are up to 31 cm. Their tail was longer than abelisaurus, including the tail developing a "pike" up to 66.6 meters. The armor was based on the Ankylosaurus magniventris and Saltasaurus loricatus and their armored and spiky osteoderms because it is very durable. The spikes are from Hystrix cristata, up to 16 to 27 cm long. Their skin color was pale greenish to whitish, the belly color skin was peach. The eyes are glowing red based on the demons.

Their color scheme from 2020 was very old, and changed into drastic changes. Madlaw Basiliorgos was considered a failed experiment because of recessive allele and being abnormal condition of albinism. With red sparkler-like patterns, reddish gray stocking and glove patterns, edgy spiked osteoderms, and additional reddish edgy spikes on the elbows, the skin had a light pinkish tinge. There was a rosy orange hue to the abdomen. Their osteoderms are safeguarded because they are harder than the original material. They possess sharper than arrow quills that are crimson in color. Similar to the original, but unlike the Common Basiliorgos, it is capable of producing tremendously concussive roars that can send nearby items flying. Both species have spikes on them from the quills of porcupines, which perpetually renew when they are cut off.


Madlaw Basiliorgos, like ordinary Basiliorgos, is an only living weaponized dragon that enhances the earth element by flinging, unlike the original ones that over energize and never fatigue after frenzied. Unlike the normal Basiliorgos that use the large flings, the terrains are very much useful for throwing rocks from the terrains and more enhanced. The Madlaw Basiliorgos attacks from a variety of angles with the help of its nimble, spear-like tail, although its 360-degree swoop can result in bleeding. Their tail was a slender, lance-like tail that could jab at adversaries but was harder and stronger than the tail of a Common Basiliorgos. It had no trouble defeating larger animals like Kaiju.

If Madlaw Basiliorgos is about to run out, the Switchwings of the Basiliorgos will swarm it even more and appear to overpower it with energy, turning it into the Cursed condition. The aggression, speed, and strength of Madlaw Basiliorgos are greatly amplified in this form, and it is now able to strike and teleport almost continually without pausing. The Cursed condition, in contrast to its previous two phases, won't end until Madlaw Basiliorgos is killed or the Switchwings have been successfully exterminated. However, while it battles the symbiosis, it will grow more hyper and tenacious than even the normal Basiliorgos.



Normal counterpart is the opposite of the evil counterpart, the Bloodlust one between good and bad for being side effects. Not being more aggressive, less aggressive than their bloodlust counterpart because of unique perfectionism and selfishness, however their behavior was different from various animals' DNA both emotional and mental state. Basiliorgos is the only hybrid dinosaur in the series unlike others. The top predator of both realms and more intelligent than most species. This individual also was known to have committed cannibalism, as it killed and ate its own sibling or family. The cannibalism could have come from a small percentage of spiders. During this period, areas of its skin will take on bright red veins on its hands and mouth made by this Giganotosaurus DNA. This tail was manned for Ankylosaurus or Saltasaurus, due to having hardy bony scales and sharp lance-like tail could be stabbing enemy in one or more each depending on collateral.

Basiliorgos usually prey on all creatures alive. It sometimes eats from the corpse of a slain creature, its own tail, or dead player to recover stamina and attributes. As an Elder Dragon-Level Monster, the Basiliorgos seldom face competition from Elder Dragons. Its large size and highly aggressive behavior is enough to deter most other monsters. The New Zealand frog DNA, which was intended to help them adapt to the climate of Earth (and possibly be in Berbania, Reinachos, Agartha and Delphia), had allowed it to remove its own thermal signature, this condition survives between tropical to temperate biomes in what rumors be. Finally, the DNA from Velociraptor and other raptors used in Basiliorgos creation gave it a high level of intelligence as well as the ability to communicate with theropod and bird individuals, including normal dragons as their own king, hence their Greek patriotic name.

Observing Madlaw Basiliorgos was, very clearly unknown to fit the ecological niche and probably the most dangerous animal ever in the universe made by a combination of the past and present. In contrast to the typical animal, this one consumes explosive minerals rather than meat or vegetables. As it digests, it will absorb the energy found in the aforementioned minerals. According to Queen Arianna, this Madlaw Basiliorgos was bad fortune and this is a world destroyer, and kaiju slayer, as well as making world destruction. As reported in the past where some victim's father and family die by any cause. Unlike Common Basiliorgos, like Common Sarkany, they used switchwings (black butterfly-like parasitic extraterrestrial exclusive in Planet Berbania) that suck victims that cause several mysterious and horrific events to happen to them. And the victim became infected and cursed to sacrifice themselves due to a fear of being a victim of a disease that was bound to end all mankind.


Bloodlust Basiliorgos is very aggressive and towards all including humans.

Distribution and Habitat

Bloodlust Basiliorgos was also native to Zowhringe Island, considering that as only in captivity from the De-extinction and Preservation Area. In Worldcraft series, both original and reboot are actually resurrected both species and recreated with addition to the DNA of modern animals such as cuttlefish, tree dart frog, lion, cougar, real dragon, and pit viper at separate De-extinction organizations such as Hakar Bioscience at New Szeged, Zowhringe; Hioklota De-extinction Program Institute at Nueva Barcelona at Dengzharia Kingdom; and Parkinson University of Bioenergy and Chemistry at Oakland, California.


This creature was tamed by Wilson Dokleapor to take revenge on Magyars, Pardo Brazilians, Yanomamis, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and even Zowhringese people. This creature was purely bloody hell and this guardian was only with the same species. This variant was purely carnivorous lives on and it was tameable and its variant was untameable, only Wilson Dokleapor to tame this species by disrespectful and dishonesty behavior and avoid the dharma. This variant was purely carnivorous lives on and it was tameable and its variant was untameable, only Wilson Dokleapor to tame this species by disrespectful and dishonesty behavior and avoid the dharma.

Unlike the original ones, Bloodlust Basiliorgos was untameable only bad behaviors and tempers is used; based on the supposedly the long lost one of the Ostara's dossiers.


Bereshit - 300,000-10,000 BCE

The creative division of the Aesirs for Phanes and other writers, primarily Hera and Eita/Aita, was termed Project Pashneia (pashnea means Enchanta word from Encantadia which means "animal." It's also used as an insult) by Terran Deities, who created this beast. Hera employed this animal for Surtur and Satan, but Odin and Frigga forbade it because of the goblins and elves, who are the offspring of humans descended from Adam and Eve and are known for killing half of their population.

War Against Basiliorgoses - 1250-1300 AD 

The Assassin Brotherhood, Templar Knights, and Conservationist Hunters worked together to eradicate this species in Germany in 1254 AD, according to historians. Additionally, Native Americans contributed to the demise of the Common and Madlaw Basiliorgos in Yosemite National Park in the year 1300 AD.

Chronological Appears

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

Coming soon
