
Titanodracanomba albanica


“ That demon, awakening from the past to the future. Hasted with rock, flame, drop, air, and psychic five centuries ago. With the body of amoeba combined into one. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Phylum: Amoebozoa

Class: Tubulinea

Order: Tubulinida

Family: Titanodracamoebidae

Genus: Titanodracanomba

Species: Titanodracanomba albanica

Descendant: amoeba

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???


Type: Amoeba


Pantheon: Albanian

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Air, earth, fire, water, aether

Inflicts: Burned, splashed, oiled, stunned, sundered, flu, sleep, suffocation, paralysis

Weaknesses: Chaos

Casualties: countless rebellions; soldiers; and civilians in various years from now until past

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Data Deficient

Kulshedra (Titanodracanomba albanica) or simply in native name Kuçedra, is the main antagonist introduced in Worldcraft: Dreams Come True, Kuçedra is the descendants of five elemental amoebas called Rregull (Zjarr "Fire", Ujë "Water", Tokë "Earth", Ajër "Air"and Shpirt "Soul") by Albanians and Muslims in Pascua Delos Desierto or Desert of Easter.


Kulshedra (kulshedër; def. kulshedra) or (kuçedër; def. kuçedra) derives from the Latin chersydrus, roughly meaning an "amphibious snake".

Physical Appearance

Kulshedra was a five headed dragon-like amoeba with a gelatinous chest with inside of five elemental amoebas with green blood. Kulshedra is the first known non-vertebrate, eukaryotic, Elder Dragon-Level Monster in Worldcraft series and parallel series.


Kulshedra is always in the lithosphere, digs, and can burrow through the earth to surprise attackers from below. With four heads always present, in the near death, kulshedra shows their own whole body, turning into the dragon with wings and the amoebas on the inside is the main weakness spot.

Earth element head breaths sand with amounts of pebbles, while fire element head breaths fire and lava, while water element head breaths water and ice, while the air element head breaths wind and lightning, and the aether one breaths strong miasma of supernovae deals paralysis and suffocation.

Kulshedra can be lifted heavier than an ocean liner or Empire State Building. If amoebas discharges and releases dark magic, causes dismemberment, exsanguination, and death. If the amoebas died, kulshedra was also dead and silently and ceased by Aladdin and Jasmine in the process, while Iago helps Aladdin can Kulshedra burst out their elemental aura and the skills silent and unable to used, if one of the amoeba died out.

In amoeba form, kulshedra communicated with the vibrations on the aquifers underground.


Weather Phenomenon

Heatwave, drought, sandstorm, tornado, raining, thunderstorm, and space hurricane.


Kulshedra are apex predators and unchallenged among the all denizens in Reinachos, Jotunheim, Earth, and Avalon in the Earth Responsibly universe. They can often make entire ecosystems disappear in order to feed its insatiable appetite.

Kulshedra can create the space hurricane if the Muslim students consider as bad luck, and if drangua removes space hurricane if is good luck. Kulshedra is solitary creature and lives alone for much of their lives in the confines. However, if the princess, married maiden, noblewoman, or a daughter of the president was abducted by an ameba called by scientists it is Princess and Dragon theme. Kulshedra prefers to rest underground until disturbed. When awakened, it will attempt to ward off its aggressor and the four heads pop out. If the princess or any beautiful maiden was escaped by a young man or prince, or one of the amoeba or allies was death, Kulshedra will became hyper-aggressive and insurmountable, kills on the sight without trace and summons space hurricane and thunderstorms altogether brings zika virus to Spanish flu across the world when is in the phase, if this creature die, along with rregull that ceased plagues and space hurricane into gone.

Kulshedra was fought from Dranguas, the Albanian national angels in Balkan peninsula for the Albanian royal family against the dragon-like amoeba. This creature resembles the Orochi dragon and their descendants, however is actually a convergent evolution of these entities and amoeba.


This amoeba will focus its full power towards destroying direct threats and the allies against Kulshedra. It does not give up a fight easily, choosing to try and attack one last time after being nearly killed as opposed to retreating back underground. The large patches of sand with saliva or mucus are actually created by an ameba will hamper the survivor's movements and slowness.

Distribution and Habitat

Kulshedra was adapted to inhabit underwater and subterranean environments but is capable of living on land as well as being an amoeba. They are known to make their lairs in subterranean caves in one habitat or one country.


Kulshedra is one among the few apex predators that employs the unique taming technique. The survivor must right click the weapon with an incantation while all of their heads were unconsciously or the weapon was tranquilizer-coated. It will then stand back up and regain all of its health, demonstrating that it has been subdued.


Coming soon

Main Theme Music

Capcom - Shara Ishvalda Theme - 

Foreign Languages

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