
Ardeadactylus longicullum


“ Heron-like pterodactyl found elsewhere in Bavaria doesn't exist but cousin with Pterodactylus. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Pterosauria

Clade: Ctenochasmatoidea

Genius: Ardeadactylus

Species: Ardeadactylus longicollum

Descendant: Pterodactylus

Named by: Christian Erich Hermann von Meyer

Year Published: 1854 - 2013

Size: 1.45 meters (4.8 ft) in wingspan length; 56.4 centimeters tall in height




Time Period: Late Jurassic

Alignment: Shy

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, air

Inflicts: Waterblight

Weaknesses: Rock (50% immune), electric, sound, combat

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Reihendermus (Ardeadactylus longicollum) is an extinct genus of ctenochasmatoid pterosaur known from the Late Jurassic Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, southern Germany.


Reihendermus is the portmanteau words of German: Reiher and Fledermaus; means "heron bat". Latin: ardea means "heron"; Greek: δάκτυλος dáktylos means "finger".

Physical Appearance

Ardeadactylus is suspected to be a heron–like, long–necked long–legged piscivore pterosaur with low crest. A. longicollum had fewer, fifteen per jaw, and relatively larger teeth than Pterodactylus and leathery wings, furred pycnofibers from cold temperature and UV rays.

Reihendermus was blue-topped crest and brown beak with rows of teeth, navy blue pycnofibers with pale yellow underneath and white line on the forehead to collar and three black lines, dark navy blue leathery wings with few pycnofibers to dark waving gradients; and dark bluish gray on hands and feet. The eye color of Reihendermus is hazel.


Ardeadactylus vomits oil with saltwater, some wild individuals or tamed ones regularly regurgitate indigestible food and is commonly known as a bolus to shoot. Causing wetted and oiled upon hit.


Ardeadactylus was one of the German pterosaurs in Late Jurassic, in Solnhofen limestone of present-day Bavaria. Many behave as herons, to peck the fish and eat or to the nest for feeding babies. The predators of Reihendermus or Ardeadactylus are theropods.


The Ardeadactylus is skittish and not aggressive whatsoever to humans or elves, and will fly away when attacked. This pterosaur is extremely aggressive, prioritizing freshwater fishes over basically anything.

Distribution and Habitat

Reihendermus' origin home was Germany and nearby countries to possibly West Asia. During the Late Jurassic, this area was an archipelago at the edge of the Tethys Sea. This included placid lagoons that had limited access to the open sea and where salinity rose high enough that the resulting brine could not support life. Since the lowest water was devoid of oxygen, many ordinary scavengers were absent. Any organism that fell, drifted, or was washed into the lagoons from the ocean or the land became buried in soft carbonate mud. Thus, many delicate creatures avoided consumption by scavengers or being torn apart by currents.


Ardeadactylus can be tamed with fishes from cod to mullets. Before that, thankfully it can be immobilized with bolas or captured net beforehand, which makes it easy to capture any pterosaur while it is on the ground resting. Using tranquilizer bullets or darts or with sleep magic to easily fall unconscious, but be cautious of any weak pterosaurs will attack you.


Coming soon.


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