Whitedust Fanning

Whitedust Fanning

The fairest of all the animals in the swampy area, his white feathers adore himself.

– Florentino de Dios

Background and Character Information

Full Name: 

Other Names: 

Born: November 1, 1995 AD

Died: none

Species: Dakotaraptor steini

Nationality: American


Gender: Male


Language Spoken: none

Alignment: Good


Powers and Abilities: none

Partner(s): none



Likes: none

Dislikes: none

Inspiration: none

Life Status: Alive

Whitedust Fanning is the fictional character introduced in No Way to Seaway as the minor and major character of Dakota Fanning, the actress who is part of Grupo Cinco of the Kealani brothers. Like Paris of Nevada, Whitedust is adopted and cared for by a nonfictional character, Dakota Fanning.


Whitedust is named by Steven Fanning and Heather Joy Arrington because it has been mentioned many times as a mistake for white or albino turtles or tortoises. As Heather says, this is not a real quote of Heather's word in the real world, which is based on the fact that Dakotaraptor may actually belong to an extinct genus of turtles.

Physical Appearance

Whitedust is a Dakotaraptor steini with semi-leucism; all of his body and feathers are ivory, and he is the rarest of all dinosaurs, according to Robert de Palma.


Whitedust is an elemental dinosaur, but it is equipped with claws, teeth, and feet for hunting and defense. But Whitedust has now adapted and lived in cathemeral activity with his master, mimicking and acting like his owner.


Paris is an aggressive and fearless wild beast. This dinosaur was bullied by his rivals until Ronaldo, Margaret, or Meranie discovered him. Now that Ronaldo has spared him, the dinosaur is a tamed member of the Ohana.

In addition to being a member of the Ohana, he was Ronaldo's pet and a caring, protective, gentle, curious, egotistical, funny, and subjective person. Because he lost his pet in the car crash, Adonis, a Greek god of beauty and the real homosexual god, exiled him to the Late Cretaceous era as a result of a dispute with Aphrodite, his sister.


Prior to the No Way to Seaway event, Maia Tala Sanderson Galicinao, the mother of perpetual sons via Hawaiian father Kahiau Kealani, lost his first wife in the 1999 preemptive strike worldwide caused by Desmond Miles and Daniel Cross. Even the Conservationist Hunters allied with Templars and Assassins.

Both Maia and Kahiau are married in Oahu, Hawaii, but moved to Seattle before the Punzalans. Kahiau and Maia learned both the Iloko and Hawaiian languages, and both of them are indigenous peoples. Many whites considered Maia to have less heritability than Europeans, and she was a descendant of Queen Rapunzel and King Eugene Fitzherbert. Meranie’s parents, Lillie and Henrico, are married at the same location in the same exiled country. Making the princess the oldest sister of Prince Jared.

On November 18, 1997, National Princess Day, Paris was born in Laramie, Wyoming, when his parents were heading to Sawintir via a drift portal. Whitedust and Paris work together to discover their separate owners. They are both men. While Paris was gone, Hannah Dakota Fanning's parents discovered Whitedust on the road. Paris was discovered by the Brotherhood after being abducted by the American Assassin Brotherhood and used as an army until escaping from the Brotherhood.

Like Paris, Whitedust's origin was disputed and then distinguished from that of Paris; he's modern-day born in Austin, Texas, USA, known as his birthplace, not in the past before deported by Adonis, a Greek god of gays and his sister of Aphrodite. Whitedust lacks his surname and is now adopted by only a few non-fictional figures, including actress Dakota Fanning, who is rechristening her new pet as an honorary surname for Whitedust Fanning.

Both Paris and Whitedust are generally close relatives and were cousins once removed due to being Dakotaraptors in the modern-day era via drift portals from Sawintir to the Earth during the 18th century. Whitedust survived mass extinctions due to transporting all contemporary-era figures and others to Holocene because of Hera, the vicious goddess and mistress of Zeus. Whitedust finally lived in 2019 with his family, but Paris declined to live his own life and find out what happened to the Meranie Jorpassadal and Ronaldo Galicinao Kealani relationship.

Later in three years, Dakota Fanning reunited after her acting career with Whitedust and now resides in the Kealani De-extinction Preservation Area for Prehistoric Creatures, owned by Lavigne Soledad and Scarlet Peters Soledad, to protect any prehistoric creatures from extinction and overhunting. The United Nations declared it an international tourist attraction and for protection of the Fanning family, as well as for creationism and iconic legend.

Paris abandoned him and kept him safe for himself and found the few surviving Dakotaraptors in Everrealm, and he followed the most beautiful girl in the first childhood of Ronaldo, Meranie Jorpassadal, who was a princess of her heartwarming life, avoiding contact with him until Joszef Horvath and the rest of his allies followed the steps to the new events for Ronaldo’s new passive life and Meranie.

According to Maia’s best friend, Liway Santos, about the preservation magic of love, Ronaldo and Meranie were both born in Hawaii State out of nowhere because of Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, or now in modern English as Eostre, a living goddess now established in Maui, Hawaii. Meranie believes that Ohana will be remembered for the rest of time by Ronaldo's family and in her role as his wife. Meranie and Ronaldo were crowned king and queen in the Delirtinia Kingdom of Sawintir, where Princess Elena resides, later today in Weather Dragons. Paris then adopted the Ohana name Paris Kealani, maintaining their Ilocano and Hawaiian cultures as well as their commitment to trust and vows.


