
Dilitirodispodus kokotonica


“ Red wyvern males, also known as "Kings of the Skies," are horrible creatures. They carve up large territory around their nests along with Rathians. Invaders are attacked by Rathalos as they drop from the skies, using their poisonous claws and flaming breath. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Order: Guivernia

Suborder: Sauroviperus

Family: Dilitirodispodidae

Genius: Dilitirodispodus

Species: Dilitirodispodus kokotonica

Descendant: Wyverns

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 9.4 meters tall in height; 40 meters in length; 5,000 kilograms in weigh




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire (Orange)

Inflicts: Fireblight (Orange), poison (Purple), stun

Weaknesses: Water, earth, electric, ice, light, fae, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: himself from Monster Hunter

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Rathalos ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Rathalos (Dilitirodispodus kokotonica) is a species of saurischian wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter. He and Rathian are actually called Rath; having appeared in every single Monster Hunter game in the series, including spin-offs, Rathalos are considered icons of the Monster Hunter series.

He was introduced in Weather Dragons: Horvath and Sissi and Worldcraft Damnation: Doruntina and Martinez.


Coming from English word wrath, because of the word removes the letter W- into rath; and suffix word for masculine -alos.

Physical Appearance

Rathalos are large, bipedal wyverns with a spiny, armored hide covering their bodies. Their outer shell features much brighter and more vibrant colors than that of their female counterpart, the Rathian. It is primarily bright red, with black markings throughout. Like the Rathians, Rathalos possess a flame sac, which is used to produce deadly flaming projectiles from the mouth.

The talons upon their feet are highly poisonous and are known to inflict toxic mortal wounds on larger prey. In addition, their long, thick tail features a heavily spiked club at the end. Rathalos' wing membranes feature ornate patterns, which are likely used to attract potential mates. He was different from his wife, using their talons with poisonous inherited from Plato, in case that shoots a fireball in the sky. Raths are sexual dimorphism species.


Rathalos are expert flyers and, as such, are prone to hunting from the skies. By launching a surprise aerial attack, they can inflict poisonous wounds with their talons or burn prey with flaming projectiles. On the ground, Rathalos remain formidable opponents. Using their powerful legs, they can chase down prey from a distance or inflict blunt-force damage with their clubbed tail.

As implied by his bat-like wings, the Rathalos can fly at great speeds. This made it difficult for the Conservationist Hunters, Assassin Order, and Templar Knights to attack, as he spent most of their confrontation in the air.


Rathalos are weakened by poison to make fewer fireball attacks, but not poison can nerf. One of the main reasons Rathalos can fall in the sky is a flash bomb that goes off. It also works to free a pinned hunter.

Weather Phenomenon


Rathalos fear almost nothing else found in their habitat range, except other large predators and Elder Dragons. Rathalos may prey on lesser animals to large animals with poisonous claws or burning with their mouth. Such predators include other wyverns, large salamanders, and even dragons. Despite these threats, the Fire Wyvern still has a few tricks up its sleeves to fend off would-be attackers. Rathalos often use fire-balls to attack foes from both land and air. A Rathalos' claws contain a potent toxin used to injure and sap the preys strength and make it stun prey with poison. Its bright red scales serve as camouflage in volcanic areas.

Rathalos is one of the few monsters who sits at the top of the food chains in our world and in Monster Hunter. Some monsters like Lavasioth, Kushala Daora, Anjanath, Great Jagras and others would try their best not to cross the line set by the male Fire Wyvern.


Like most true flying wyverns, Rathalos possess the cunning, speed, and strength to face almost any threat or prey they come across in the wild, though they will rarely challenge anything larger than themselves outside of their territory and even in mating seasons during March to June.

Distribution and Habitat

Rathalos have been spotted in many kinds of environments, from temperate deciduous to tropical rainforests worldwide.


Rathalos can be a pet. The meat dropped by the survivor works when the monster has not noticed the survivor.


Rathalos and Rathian are the main couple of animals in the Monster Hunter series, Marvel Studios, Capcom, and Sony Pictures, and there are saurischian wyverns of green and red; both have fire and poison, but she was on her spiky tail, and he had poisonous talons, some of which contain stun substances. The Rathalos were used by a perhaps long-dead ancient civilization to ride or protect it before it was attacked by humans and elves for independence prior to the Toba eruption. It is not biologically determined if he and Rathian were created by the Isu to obey, breed, or domesticate, including all other living creatures, including us.

Agents of Shield and Avengers avoid these animals to prevent habitat destruction and sieges on the city, according to Shuri and her brother T'challa. Rathalos is considered the most popular of all animals from Monster Hunter and other collaborations due to the unique appearance and design of each other's parts of body, ecology, behavior, and story. There is no joke: Johnny Storm and Roberto Reyes contact Bruce Banner to defend any areas in Cameroon from Rathalos, but the Rathalos are likely to hate Nathan Spencer for helping any people from Cameroon. Spencer likely ran away from Rathalos as his own enemy, but he tells both Storm and Reyes about it. Roll was on the outpost in Yaounde. Strider Hiryu also has a fear of reptiles, including Rathalos and Rathians.


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
