Cnidarians (IPA: /nɪˈdɛəriənz, knaɪˈdɛəriənz/), also called coelenterate, any member of the phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterata), a group mostly marine animals, the cnidarians include the corals, hydras, jellyfish, Portuguese men-of-war, sea anemones, sea pens, sea whips, and sea fans.
List of Real-life Cnidarians
Box Jellies (Cubozoa)
The box jellyfish are cnidarian invertebrates distinguished by their box-like body. Some species of box jellyfish produce potent venom delivered by contact with their tentacles in class Cubozoa.
Mediterranean box jellyfish (Carybdea marsupialis)
Carybdea arborifera
South African box jellyfish (Carybdea branchi)
Carybdea brevipedalia
Carybdea confusa
Carybdea murrayana
Carybdea rastonii
Carybdea xaymacana
Carybdea wayamba
Copula sivickisi
Tripedalia binata
Tripedalia cystophora
Tripedalia maipoensis
Carukia shinju
Gerongia rifkinae
Common kingslayer (Malo kingi)
Malo maxima
Malo filipina
Malo bella
Morbakka fenneri
Morbakka virulenta
Alatina alata
Alatina grandis
Alatina madraspatana
Alatina moseri
Alatina obeliscus
Alatina philippina
Alatina pyramis
Alatina rainensis
Alatina tetraptera
Alatina turricola
Manokia stiasnyi
Keesingia gigas
Australian box jelly, or sea wasp (Chironex fleckeri)
Chironex indrasaksajiae
Chironex yamaguchii
Chirodropus gorilla
Chirodropus palmatus
Chirodectes maculatus
Chiropsalmus alipes
Chiropsalmus quadrumanus
Chiropsoides buitendijki
Chiropsella bart
Chiropsella bronzie
Chiropsella rudloei
Chiropsella saxoni
Meteorona kishinouyei
†Anthracomedusa turnbulli
Hydras (Hydrozoa)
The hydra or Hydrozoa is a taxonomic class of individually very small, predatory animals, some solitary and some colonial, most of which inhabit saline water. The colonies of the colonial species can be large, and in some cases the specialized individual animals cannot survive outside the colony.
Portuguese man o' war (Physalia physalis)
Bathyphysa conifera
Bathyphysa japonica
Bathyphysa sibogae
Epibulia erythrophysa
Epibulia ritteriana
Rhizophysa chamissonis
Rhizophysa eysenhardtii
Rhizophysa filiformis
Rhizophysa uvaria
Blue button (Porpita porpita)
Porpita prunella
Sea raft, by-the-wind sailor, purple sail, little sail (Velella velella)
See below
Jellyfishes (Scyphozoa)
The Scyphozoa are an exclusively marine class of the phylum Cnidaria, referred to as the true jellyfish. The class name Scyphozoa comes from the Greek word skyphos, denoting a kind of drinking cup and alluding to the cup shape of the organism. Scyphozoans have existed from the earliest Cambrian to the present.
Crown jellyfish, or cauliflower jellyfish (Cephea cephea)
Cephea coerulea
Cephea conifera
Cephea octostyla
Mediterranean jellyfish, Mediterranean jelly or fried egg jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata)
Cotylorhiza ambulacrata
Cotylorhiza erythraea
Marivagia stellata
Netrostoma coerulescens
Netrostoma dumokuroa
Netrostoma nuda
Netrostoma setouchianum
Cassiopea andromeda
Cassiopea depressa
Cassiopea frondosa
Cassiopea maremetens
Cassiopea medusa
Cassiopea mertens
Cassiopea ndrosia
Cassiopea ornata
Cassiopea xamachana
Pacific Sea Nettle (Chrysaora fuscescens)
Black Sea Nettle (Chrysaora achlyos)
Chrysaora africana
Chrysaora agulhensis
Atlantic Bay Nettle (Chrysaora chesapeakei)
Chrysaora chinensis
Purple-striped Jelly (Chrysaora colorata)
Chrysaora fulgida
†Auroralumina attenboroughii
Sturgeon Jellies (Polypodiozoa)
The Polypodium is a genus of cnidarians that parasitizes in the eggs of sturgeon and similar fishes. It is one of the few metazoans that live inside the cells of other animals. Polypodium hydriforme is the only species of this monotypic genus. The parent family, order and class are also monotypic.
Polypodium hydriforme
Stalked Jellyfishes (Staurozoa)
The Staurozoa is a class of Medusozoa, jellyfishes and hydrozoans. It has one extant order: Stauromedusae with a total of 50 known species. A fossil group called Conulariida has been proposed as a second order, although this is highly speculative.
Spotted kaleidoscope jellyfish (Haliclystus octoradiatus)
Haliclystus antarcticus
Haliclystus auricula
Haliclystus borealis
Haliclystus californiensis
Haliclystus kerguelensis
Haliclystus monstrosus
Haliclystus salpinx
Haliclystus sinensis
Haliclystus stejnegeri
Haliclystus tenuis
Haliclystus sanjuanensis
Manania atlantica
Manania auricula
Manania distincta
Manania gwilliami
Manania handi
Manania hexaradiata
Manania uchidai
The Myxozoa is a subphylum of aquatic cnidarian animals – all obligate parasites. It contains the smallest animals ever known to have lived. Over 2,180 species have been described and some estimates have suggested at least 30,000 undiscovered species.
Myxobolus cerebralis
Blue Corals, Soft Corals, Sea pens, and Gorgonians (Octocorallia)
Octocorallia is a class of Anthozoa comprising around 3,000 species of water-based organisms formed of colonial polyps with 8-fold symmetry. It includes the blue coral, soft corals, sea pens, and gorgonians within three orders: Alcyonacea, Helioporacea, and Pennatulacea.
Blue Corals
Soft Corals
Sea Pens
Sea Anemones, Corallimorpharians, to Zoanthids (Hexacorallia)
The Hexacorallia is a class of Anthozoa comprising approximately 4,300 species of aquatic organisms formed of polyps, generally with 6-fold symmetry. It includes all of the stony corals, most of which are colonial and reef-forming, as well as all sea anemones, and zoanthids, arranged within five extant orders.
Sea Anemones -
Beadlet Anemone (Actinia equina)
Actinia alba
Actinia annulata
Actinia aster
Actinia australiensis
Red Stinging Anemone (Actinia bermudensis)
Actinia bicornis
Actinia capillata
Actinia cari
Actinia chlorodactyla
Actinia cinerea
Actinia cleopatrae
Actinia curta
Actinia delicatula
Actinia dubia
Actinia ebhayiensis
Actinia erythrospilota
Actinia fiscella
Strawberry anemone (Actinia fragacea)
Actinia gelatinosa
Actinia gemma
Actinia gracilis
Actinia graminea
Actinia grobbeni
Actinia iris
Actinia kraemeri
Actinia laurentii
Actinia mamillaris
Actinia mediterranea
Actinia mertensii
Actinia minutissima
Actinia mucilaginosa
Actinia nigropunctata
Actinia obtruncata
Actinia ostraearum
Actinia papuana
Actinia prasina
Actinia punctata
Actinia pusilla
Actinia reclinata
Actinia rosula
Actinia rubida
Actinia sali
Actinia sanguineo-punctata
Actinia simplex
Actinia sinensis
Actinia striata
Actinia strigata
Actinia tabella
Actinia taeniata
Waratah anemone, kōtore, or kōtoretore (Actinia tenebrosa)
Actinia tilesii
Actinia timida
Actinia tongana
Actinia truncata
Actinia varians
Actinia violacea
Actinia volva
Actinia zonata
Actinopsis flava
Collared sand anemone (Actinostella flosculifera)
Actinostella bradleyi
Actinostella californica
Actinostella correae
Actinostella digitata
Actinostella ornata
Actinostella radiata
Actinostella striata
Actinostella variabilis
Actinostella excelsa
Frilled anemone (Metridium senile)
Elegant anemone (Sagartia elegans)
†Mackenzia costalis
Stone Corals
Stony coral (Acropora latistella)
coming soon
Tube-dwelling Anemones (Ceriantharia)
The tube-dwelling anemones or ceriantharians look very similar to sea anemones but belong to an entirely different class of anthozoans. They are solitary, living buried in soft sediments.
Cylinder anemone or coloured tube anemone (Cerianthus membranaceus)
coming soon
Foreign Languages
Box Jellies (Cubozoa)