
Azuropyrodraco elegantus


“ Sulfuric fire is breathed by another blue dragon. Though less prevalent than the original fire red, this one is far more hazardous. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Pyrodraconidae

Genus: Azuropyrodraco

Species: Azuropyrodraco elegantus

Descendant: Dragons

Named by: Francisco Green (Fictional) - American 2490-2597 A.D.

Year Published: 2579 A.D.

Size: 7.4 m tall in height; 34.12 m in length; wingspan to 34.2 m in length; 500 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene Epoch (Medieval to Future Era / 1000-present)

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🦀🪲🥓🔥🧨

Elements: Fire (Blue)

Inflicts: Fireblight (Blue), scalded

Weaknesses: Water, rock, fae, chaos




Based on: fictional

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Azurala (Azuropyrodraco elegantus) is a species of dragon found in four realms consist of sulfur.


Azurala is from French: azure for "blue", and Latin: ala for "wing", which means "blue wing".

Physical Appearance

Azurala was a winged dragon with sulfur and blue scales. The carapace of this species is significantly tarnished and turns blue due to the beauty of their scales. They lacked the six short, horizontal spikes that characterized their relatives. They employ bioluminescent marks on their wing membranes to communicate during courtship.


Unlike their relatives, Azurala spreads a blue powder that, when it comes into contact with fire, ignites and forms a blue flame that slowly damages anyone standing in it and depletes the health of anyone nearby who isn't wearing protective gear against the heat—even in places where such gear isn't normally needed, like cool beverages. Certain species naturally contain napalm, which the water element cannot eliminate while the blue fire is contained.

Weather Phenomenon


Azuralas are high in the food chain, feeding on both coal and sulfur to fuel their fire abilities, and they live on prey like tortoises, cattle, zebras, ducks, wolves, antechinuses, rats, squids, shrimps, newts, krills, barnacles, macaques, and even some predator’s babies. They have to compete with other species, like Igniobus or Violanela.

If accidentally bred with Igniobus to Azurala as their mate due to a natural hybrid, these two different dragons are working in tandem; there are no known monsters on Earth, Sawintir, Agarathos, and Heaven—that could tackle both dragons without having to fight a steep uphill battle.

As fire dragons, they naturally have advanced control over fire and have shown a new form of adaptation where they utilize a unique substance from their body to set the ground aflame with blue fire. This substance is spread from Azurala’s own body via gusts of wind from the dragon's wings' flaps with prehensile small scales on their wings to be proficient in aiming the direction of where the substance spread.

Unbeknownst to them, this only dragon has bioluminescent markings on their own wings, which their archaea bacteria illuminate like commensalism. Both dragons and archaea also generate a fire aura around their bodies, from their sweat glands to their horns via their brains. Azurala manipulates either blue fire containing sulfur or enhanced with napalm-like ingredients from human civilization left to show the blue flame a formidable apex predator and no dragons dare against humans.


Like their species counterparts, they are quite brutal and aggressive, although under typical circumstances and their mental state.

Distribution and Habitat

They are known to inhabit hot areas such as volcanoes and deserts and are specially adapted to utilize the fire element.


Adult Azurala cannot be tamed, but the baby Azurala can. Once an egg is stolen, the nearby dragons will begin to swarm and attack, which can be deadly if you have not yet reached your mount. A good strategy is to target and kill any and all of these you find before snatching the egg, using a long-ranged weapon to tag one and bait it into combat with your tamed

Unlike most eggs, these eggs require a very high temperature to incubate properly, and they nest near the lava in your buildoutpost, guarded by your menageries. Baby Azurala needs milk to prevent starvation and can only be tamed for 3 hours.


Bereshit 30,000-10,000 BCE

Azurala and other dragons were created by Eostre under Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own.


Foreign Languages

Native Name: Daraghonat (Ghesarian for Dragon), Dharaxonath (Dairkian for Dragon)
