Common Dziop

Lophiotriton thalassoferox

Common Dziop

On the deep ocean, without notice, the amphibian became a fighter to challenge without land. At midnight, because of it, the salamander came to fight at full moon. In the day only in deep ocean without sunlight, due to the smarter than salamanders?

– unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Urodela

Suborder: Salamandroidea

Family: Lophiotritonidae

Genius: Lophiotriton

Species: Lophiotriton thalassoferox

Descendant: Salamanders

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 1.1 m long in length; 75 cm tall in weight; 40 kg in weight


Title: Angler Salamander


Time Period: Pliocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🐟🦀🦠

Elements: Water, light

Inflicts: Bleeding, waterblight, stunned, blindness

Weaknesses: Fire, electric, leaf

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated

The Common Dziop (pronunciation: jop/dzi-yop; Lophiotriton thalassoferox) is a fictional species of salamander introduced in Weather Dragons series of Bagani: Island Hopping.


coming soon

Physical Appearance

Common Dziop is a smooth and wetted brown-skinned deep sea salamander resembling anglerfish due to convergent evolution, just as the real anglerfish. Dziop have webbed, stubbed toes, a peach belly, translucent fins, and a bioluminescent esca fin. Common Dziop was smaller, like their relatives, than Firemander and Rudyosaj, a frilled shark-like salamander. Same size as milkfish.


The dziop lure can violently emit blinding flashes of light from its head fin to disorient prey or enemies, making for an easy meal.


Coming soon.


Common Dziop was very aggressive towards all in this size range, from small to tiny, but it was passive towards all in large size, like humans. This animal spends most of its time lying under the sea bed or river bed, depending on the water formation, exposing only its esca to disguise itself as an underwater unlit light post, like a fishing rod.

Distribution and Habitat

Common Dziop was native to the deep ocean worldwide in Sawintir. It is very rare for the Earth to be found elsewhere in the Mariana Islands in Challenger's Trench.


Common Dziopa were shot to make them unconscious, fed to them while they were unconscious, and then constantly overdosed on drugs. Because the survivor remains inside the 16 radii of a hatching egg, Common Dziopa are tamed as soon as they emerge from an egg. You can tame Common Dziop with a whip, worms, any meat, seaweed-wrapped rodent meat, or fish eggs if it hasn't already been tamed.



