Savanna Nyemanguelio

Lupantechinus aereovellus

Savanna Nyemanguelio

Another species of wolf-like antechinus is found elsewhere in savannas and prairies without any reason.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Infraclass: Marsupialia

Order: Dasyuromorphia

Family: Dasyuridae

Genius: Caniantechinus

Species: Caniantechinus aereovellus

Descendant: antechinus

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 80 – 85 cm tall in height; 1.5 m long in length; 65.60 kg in weight

Lifespan: 1 to 14+ years


Title: Marsupial Wolf


Time Period: Pliocene - Holocene

Alignment: Docile

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Earth

Inflicts: Earthed, gnashed

Weaknesses: Water, nature, metal, ice

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: 

Savanna Nyemanguelio (Caniantechinus aereovellus) is the fictional species of wolf-like antechinus introduced in Weather Dragons: Bagani


Originate from Eastern Arrernte word: nyemale akngwelye, which means wolf rat. In Spanish was Nyémangüelio and in Scots Gaelic was Niemánh-bhàlio.

Physical Appearance

Savanna Nyemanguelio is the antechinus that resembles a coyote as a result of the convergent evolution of these animals but is unrelated. Very much like the different appearance of Gray Nyemanguelio, except for the short brush tail, peach to golden brown fur, and dark brown skin.


Savanna Nyemanguelio can climb walls or large trees like its ancestors. But it was just commanded by the alpha male to hunt in large groups, unlike the coyotes.


Coming soon


Savanna Nyemanguelios will directly take down the survivor if they come across them, but they won't directly hunt them. Savanna Nyemanguelio was very careful of another nomadic predator called Duggisilay, the predatory flying dormouse mistake to the wyvern.

Distribution and Habitat

Savanna Nyemanguelio was a native species in Sawinti and rarely in Australia, Spain, France, Monaco, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, the United States, Albania, Portugal, Andorra, Angola, and India, where this animal was found in Arab World Reservation and Apache Indian Reservation areas predicted by Nimue until Worldcraft was started.


Much like wolves, the Savanna Nyemanguelio was able to be tamed by feeding meat from hippos or bustards given by the survivor and used for riding, better compared to the Doberman dogs.


Coming soon


Chronological Appears


Two Lights

Equation the Series


Weather Dragons

No Way to Seaway

Independent Series

Foreign Languages

Coming soon
