Baleful Guilapos

Leucalaopejeinos berbanica

Baleful Guilapos

“ Both of these things are from the future era below the belt, both in the game and in real life. However, it originated from a skin abnormality caused by genetics. Sufficient to incapacitate more than just opponents. ”

– unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Berbanuryota

Kingdom: Berbanozoota

Phylum: Hiravachordata

Class: Berbanaves

Order: Leucalaopejeinia

Family: Leucalaopejeinidae

Genius: Leucalaopejeinos

Species: Leucalaopejeinos berbanica

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 2.5 m tall in height; 23 - 34 m long in length; wingspan estimate to 23 m in length; 350 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩

Elements: n/a

Inflicts: Paralysis

Weaknesses: Water, arcane

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

The Baleful Guilapos (Leucalaopejeinos berbanica) or Husnham gilapas'ha, the genetic defect species Guilapos found in Berbania, is extremely rare and critically endangered.


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Physical Appearance

The first-ever variant of Guilapos has a golden color with dark spots on the top and a green to bruise-violet color on its underside. Like normal Guilapos, we have sets of lavender-colored bioluminescent markings on the neck.

This color scheme and appearance were similar to both Khezu and Baleful Gigginox from the Monster Hunter series.


This creature didn't produce electricity, like a normal one. But all of these powers via the organs are paralysis. Emits paralysis aura when charging. But it can not do a body slam attack filled with paralyze gas. Baleful Guilapos shoots three paralyzing gas balls directly and explodes in two seconds.


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Although these aliens are cave dwellers, they go out when they please or when food inside grows too scarce. While Guilapos outside a cave are vulnerable to larger predators, both animals and extraterrestrials, Their aggressiveness is closely tied to their senses. If the wyvern cannot detect prey, it will quite literally remain blind to their presence. Guilaposes are ambush predators, lying in wait near underground water sources or cave entrances, waiting for unwary prey to enter their domain.

Unlike the normal one, this creature was a very territorial and malicious predator to stun one enemy inescapable.

Distribution and Habitat

The habitat of Guilapos is frequently found close to flowing bodies of water. This is a creature that might require the moisture in a cave that has water to maintain its moist skin. originated on the Berbania continent of Dirthsao.


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Foreign Languages

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