
Soldraco reignum


The brightest of all the legendary dragons from Greece that have no permanent habitat, excluding the Dacian, however, rises their wings that shine and are incinerated in this beam of sunlight at the sun.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Soldraconidae

Genius: Soldraco

Species: Soldraco reignum

Descendant: Dragons

Named by: Jackson Smith (Fictional) - American (2720-2801)

Year Published: 2000

Size: 20.5 meter tall in length, 25.5 meters in length including tail, wingspan of 12.53 meters in length (486.22 inches, 40.51 feet)




Time Period: Pliocene - Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous, pagophagia, filter feeder, scavenger

Elements: Fire, electric, light, arcane, aether

Inflicts: Fireblight, electricblight, stunned, bleeding, lightblight, paralysis, arcaneblight, aetherblight

Weaknesses: Water, ice, arcane, dark




Based On: 

Conservation Status: 

Heliondros (Greek: Έλιονδρώς) or Solnatos (Greek: Σόλνατώς) (Soldraco reignum) is a one of the species Elder Dragon introduced in Worldcraft: Crown of Drepesedio and Steal Scene of Gaugamela War. Solnatos' role is antagonist turned into antihero. The main Sun and Moon Elder Dragons along with Selinala.


Heliondros is the combination name between two Ancient Greek words: Ήλιος "Helios" (sun) or, in Homeric Greek, Ἠέλιος ('Hélios) and άνδρας "ándras" (man).

Solnatos was derived name from Latin and Spanish: Sol means sun, and the Dermochlorian-Drepesedian: -chatooh (IPA: ç(na-)tʰoˁʜ(-dz)) means fury. Actually, this specie is so furiously appears and their fur ignites to make non-natural bioluminescence to make the "sun prominence" in action, this name only in Berbania.

Physical Appearance

Heliondros' skin was yellow-orange, rough, and now easily scratched, but he can't cut off the scales because of gas and blade resistance; the dense fur actually present was used to prevent being cold. Each hair's color ranges from yellow to a scarlet gradient, and the wing tips look to activate the light if using magical powers. Unlike elder dragons, Heliondros covered their wings, shoulder, neck, mane, elbows, knees, and even tail tip with fur for protection against drought and cold temperatures like polar poles, considering entire body parts are non-flammable. Heliondros wings also jagged their wing spines from higher to lower.

Heliondros have now lengthened the tail and sported spines ranging from lower to higher at the tail tip; this fur covering their tail was a hidden weapon. Each Helliondros horn is based on the crowned sun from cheeks to forehead, near the manes. This only dragon species has a saber-tooth, used for defense, and is easily bitten because it is a scavenger. Solnatos' colored eyes are hazel irises. Despite being savage in appearance, heliondros have longer claws in their pointed fingers, and the smaller claw is in the baby finger.


Heliondros possession of their sun and other stars from itself, absolutely that absorb the solar prominence and their helium as their strength, weakened by fairy magic and viruses, due to an unknown reason. Heliondros controls the metal debris to suit up as God's armor. Heliondros nevers cold because, thus far from Drakolossia to this unique brave enough to cold temperature, probably magic was used.


Weather Phenomenon


Heliondros didn't know what an ecological niche was. In Greece, one individual eats a Nemean lion before Hercules finds it. Afterwards, in the past, he ate animals, including humans, without any reason during the last ice age. After the decline of Ancient Greek religion, supplanted by Eastern Orthodox, this creature collected some of the metal scraps and armor; even the wheel became the god's armor and increased the sunlight radius. Most creatures are afraid of this sunlight.

Rathalos, Rathian, Valstrax, and other creatures can't stand a chance against it. Selinala and Heliondros became allies as a result of their special bond, and they are capable of defeating other formidable monsters like the Qurio and others despite their diminutive size and low population, as well as Magnamalo/Scorned Magnamalo, Valstrax, Odogaron, Girros, Velkhana, and even Alatreon, whom they have previously defeated.


Heliondros is aggressive towards everything without any notice yet. No scientists or psychologists believe that this creature isn't sure yet.

Distribution and Habitat

Heliondros was found in Tiqojarha as their primary former residence; now Drepesedio, also known as Drepesedian Wastes, is their own habitat that destroys the Arriothos Dynasty in Frojadghu Kingdom. These sand grains are from Thirenha Kingdom because they carried over their sandstorm from clear air turbulence, and the jet stream also commands itself by their cerebrum and spinal cord sported, and now current joins amalgamated.

Another subpopulation of Heliondros was found in the mountains (Alcantara and Jordanian Cordillera) in the Pascua Delos Desierto region. Heliondros was endemic to Greece, like Mount Olympus and Larissa, but vagrant in true desert biomes only worldwide.


Heliondros was able to tame, not tranquilize, if used. Only the weakest are nearly dead if they fly to the same area where this dragon stays permanently. You investigated what dragon eats, ice, as their results of iron deficiency or pagophagia. Lay the meat where you are leaving without seeing Heliondros. This food contains no rot. The dragon was notified you were staring and now commands you to act as soon as possible. This Heliondros is now yours.


Heliodros was the ultimate weapon and was created by Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own. This animal belonged to Juno. When her father's human servants revolted and killed Saturn, an enraged Juno used the animal to burn to cinder all the humans around them with blasts of sun energy until she was killed by Hephaestus by stabbing her back.

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents - Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - Individuals


10000 BCE

Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, produced Heliodros, the ultimate weapon. It belonged to Juno, this animal. An outraged Juno used the beast to burn to cinders all the humans nearby with blasts of solar energy until she was murdered by Hephaestus by stabbing her in the back. This happened after her father's human servants rebelled and killed Saturn.


The records for scientists and witches about the strange sun halo, possibly made by this dragon,.


2701 AD

Solnatos is the real name of patients from the most described doctor in the past because the best doctor found the dragon fly into the stratosphere and it levitated and activated the saying "Big Flash."


Frojadghu Incident - 2901 AD

Solnatos' call of a sandstorm invading the South Pole will turn the empire of this Drepesedio center into a wasteland of grief and forlornness. Solnatos used the Power of Seraphic to slaughter and dissolve civilians, including the royal family. Before doing Isabella in the 2990s.

August 6, 2980 AD

In the center of the Drepesedio, where the tragedy of Katherina Kithoapar died at the hands of unwanted karma known as eco-terrorist groups, a related terrorist group, she's become a white lady to revenge her sins and even colonize her hometown, the Frojadghu Kingdom. The unnatural event attacks her nation from their rules of terrorism. The Meridian and Frostlandian forces defend their central nation but are too overpowering. They didn't know that this dragon easily destroys even the plasma weapons when it absorbs and shoots "Against the Law of Divorce and Terrorism" to the United Nations of Drepesia. From the Hirojafza, republicans need to save a princess from harm. The sandstorm is to place in the whole central Drepesedio, the Talos, if controlled by her loss of her dead sister. Using the bronze arm sword and shield to attack in an epic battle at Jellathos, a national capital city, Solnatos magnetize their whole body to the metal debris into an "Armor of God ''.

A Quvdlugiarsuaq Moth arrives, as do Dobhar-chu, Ningen, Heat-horn, and her sister, who join forces against the control of a mastermind in retaliation. Daniello Xiwapot, grandfather of Ernesto Xiwapot and a sergeant major in an eco-terrorist group against the House of Arriothos, managed to complete the mission and their avengement. Daniello was karma by Addiena because of her dazzling beauty; he fell to death by explosion by accidentally clicking at his spotted area, where he was dead. A son of the Solnatos dragon enough to a father that became indomitable, Bediones was an adopted son, realizing that Addiena notices from their behavioral ecology. A single adult Solnatos dies by sniper elite, but a sniper elite soldier dies by karma in convulsion. Addiena leaves faster and opens a gigantic mountain gateway to leave without harm. She was unconscious, but it was saved by a normal person. One decade ago, the action of the United Nations of Drepesedian Forces beheaded thousands of eco-terrorist groups against overexploitation and threatened the royal family to become president until it was concluded.

Luckily, she was saved by pressure. She said, "I'm so horrified because I was attacked by a sun dragon who knows he is king, so very damn it.". Her real name was Addiena. She encounters the alleged white lady at the top of the castle. In that fact, she discovered a robot that was controlled by a ghost to use against the dragon; in this event, Princess Addiena left using the Antarctic Gate Key to attempt to escape permanently. She went away from the disaster; she was helped by an Inorthian scientist, and she went to the hospital. The story is real in history.


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