Malquaragonna / Maldraqueon


Malquaragonna / Maldraqueon

“ The mythology that only appears in fairy tales no longer exists, yet there are allegations against the mastermind. This aspect is violent and terrifying without the Evil Queen of the past, present, and future Earth. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: n/a

Kingdom: n/a

Phylum: n/a

Class: n/a

Order: n/a

Family: n/a

Genius: n/a

Species: n/a

Descendant: Nephilim

Named by: n/a

Year Published: n/a

Size: 66.6 meters tall in height, 128.93 meters in length, 245.09 meters in length per wingspan; 6,666 kilograms in weight



Other Names/Aliases: 



Time Period: Holocene (Meghalayan) 2026–3019 AD

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Fire; chaos

Inflicts: Fireblight, chaosblight, blastblight, stunned, oilblight, acidblight, lifebreak, cursed, paralysis, horrified




Based On: 

Conservation Status: Extinct (EX) – IUCN Red List

Maldraqueon (post-31st century), or Malquaragonna (21st century), is the main antagonist introduced in Worldcraft: My Last Blessings and in Weather Dragons: Finale.

She is the final boss, the last main antagonist of Reinachos, and the worst nightmare in the history of Reinachos at Earth Responsibly.


Maldraqueon was coined by Amberley and Galadriel's mothers. Melissa coined this species as a portmanteau word between Maleficent, mal, or malignant, and Dragon, or in Ascunsian or Yautja: Drakeon or Draqueon, via Hispanization and Frenchification.

Physical Appearance

Maldraqueon is a sizable hybrid of a dragon and a mortal with a long, serpentine neck and tail as well as two enormous, powerful wings with soulless eyes. Its body is covered in rigid black scales, and the back and underside are both lined with gray spines. Its head has fin-like ears, rows of enlarged, serrated teeth, and five backward-facing horns that form a crown. On the hands, feet, wings, and even the head, there are eight eyes, making everything visible. A large wing with five lines and burning on the wing membranes is present on the Maldraqueon. Maldraqueon has a tail of the devil that is more razor-sharp than a sword.


Maldraqueon is an incredibly strong creature that can easily destroy entire hunting parties. Its main weapon is its green flame breath, which can be used to create either a stream of green fire or lime explosive projectiles. It is said to have reduced a kingdom or republic to ashes in a single day and night. Like other dragons, the Maldraqueon has the ability to release a cloud of disorderly, flammable green dust. It uses its sharper teeth or tail to stab or sever armor, including armor made of diamond. The chest is currently giving off a faint green glow, which releases chaos energy and puts cursed parties out of the running.

The "Ultimate Blasphemous Eruption," an unidentified factor of Maldraqueon, is said to combine the elements of fire and chaos into a lethal mixture that is powerful enough to easily knock away a survivor's shields or barricades. Maldraqueon developed immunity to all elements, whether it was calm or enraged to the point of experiencing near-death. The set of fangs in this form was demonstrated to be poisonous and capable of killing quickly, unlike snakes.

The Maldraqueon acquires a powerful green flame breath that instantly knocks out any survivor or creature caught in it after beginning as small, continuous chipping damage. To survive, the survivors must seek cover. For each phase, the cover switches places. When its health reaches a certain point, Maldraqueon launches the flame attack.

Weather Phenomenon


A legendary Nephilim is said to have prowled these lands from the days of old before people fought Yautja and other allies in Reinachos to prevent sedition against the pope. Many skilled hunters have sought to challenge it, but none have ever returned it. She is also considered a dangerous first-class monster, an Eldritch terror-level threat, and more.

During the age where humans and other races settle down, all denizens are said to try to avoid her at all costs, leading to some leaving areas altogether simply to avoid it. In legend, it is said that all living things fear her, including all elder dragons and extraterrestrials under Hades and Satan. Maldraqueon appear to be sterile, but thus far only one instance of this Nephilim being unable to hatch their own eggs has been observed due to being a celestial spirit. Didn't have its own newborn at alarming rates.

Nothing else about their life cycle is known to them except for any known forms of energy. Despite her spirit loss, some of her blood used for weapons' raw materials is still alive in some form. Some weapons desperately eat at the user's hands, while other weapons, when held, have hideous abyssal screams coming from them. Some weapons even have a thirst for blood. From this, it is said that it's best to not use any equipment from Nephilim in any form at all.

According to some philosophers, she is only unclassified as being killable and horror reincarnate with hatred and ominousness due to her influential but notoriously racist racism against non-fallen angels like humans, fairies, merfolks, orks, ogres, felynes, aliens, frost giants, deities, etc. for her family and relatives. She is descended from some bad fallen angels and not from Saint Michael for Lumina and Sunny and Lucifer/Samael for Gusion, great-grandchildren of Yahweh and Gaea.

You got sick, but not too badly, when you used Maldraqueon's armor and weapons and the legendary Apple of Eden, a creation of a god that turns all humans, animals, and monsters into slaves. Then came the angry stage, which you are all too familiar with. After that, it enters the stupid phase, where it becomes more deadly until finally going into a coma and passing away. At this point, it would have evolved into a Maldraqueon and you would be gory.

Conservation Status

Malquaragonna was finally disintegrated by Nicolette Morrison and Archie Buenaventura, using the Extinction Beam to burst her heart, which obliterated Roxana’s entire body in the process. This nearly killed Isabella Morrison, who buried herself in a combination of all classical elements and inflicted.

After the storm ceased immediately when the pulse dissipated, the guardians and Nicolette used the aether to blast each other, including many people, and all denizens burst Roxana, incinerating it, seemingly leaving behind no remains and presumably killing him for good, thus avenging the deaths of Hueau, the Villaroel family, Jews, and all people salvaged to death by Roxana.

This species was extinct due to overhunting.


It is extremely hostile to all living creatures, especially humans.

Distribution and Habitat

Coming soon


Cannot  be tamed.


Maldraqueon hates Julia Hueau, a princess who she was Alfonso Villaroel's girlfriend, a merfolk-human prince of Chophragia Kingdom and son of Marissa and Lorenzo and even cousin of Arturo, take Roxana leads mass genocide against her and latest Isabella Morrison, Archie Buenaventura, Nicolette Jorelavo (later as reincarnation of Julia Hueau of Prairiville), Oliver Jorelavo, Leonardo Thongameray, Arleigh Arriothos, Viniawholl siblings (Andrew and Andrea), Miller Fifhtrasso, Hegrikultras sisters (Galadriel and Amberley), Dioreshun siblings (Sebastian; Stephanie; and Jeremiah), Sierra Loniarabap, Dobrynia Mikotoh, Paschal Hyrphaz, Idhant Choliawong, Gino Shiyeruthy, Josefina Thinomaw, Potiphar Ghamal, Christina Auwharosh, Lolmischo, Francoise Canidrashekar, Florence Katru, Ajibola Namalo, Farhan Ngatharu, Ferasothar siblings (Lizannie and Carlos), Gusion Malcolat, Starlen sisters (Lumina and Sunny), Clara Cygniaus, even Disney and fairytale characters (Maribelle, Aurora, Ella, Tiana, Rapunzel, Dorothy, Goldie, Petrosinella, Arianna, Eugene, Varian, Ariel, Melody, Eric, Sofia, Cedric, Naveen, Pocahontas, Giselle, Eilonwy, Snow White, Jasmine, Aladdin, Iago, Sisu, Elena, Isabel, Anna, Kristoff, Elsa, Kuzco, Mulan, Shang), even most Isabella's characters.

This monster was not naturally evolved, and she was a draconic nephilim, used to warfare and making an apocalyptic world in the second tragedy. She was a therianthropy, turning herself into the largest dragon-like fallen angel abomination that was never seen. The dragon has a demonic and gothic appearance. The Shoah Dragon is an ultimate genetic engineering species made by herself, not Ostara. All phantoms, troubles, and other chaos elemental monsters will wreak havoc worldwide on planet Reinachos.

And she commanded Fragiles, the new enemies that were made of tinted glasses from the Pliocene epoch, and there were animation suspenses and turns into living by combining Zinoghar's green fire and her blood to create her own army the whole time, and even the allied were her main Isabella's enemies: Rothbart and daughter Odile, Kim Jun-Hang or Rondell, an Akkorokamui, Jafar, Adolfo, Shazzanan, Kasim, Alabrathaur, Hela, Surtur, Guanshi, Vulcan, Fransiskus, Eduardo, Omri, and Catacalos.


Chronological Appears


Independent Series

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

Coming soon
