Lucent Nargacuga

Nigeronychteridus lunavagus

Lucent Nargacuga

“ Ancient texts mention a rare species that has not been recognized that dwells close to the abandoned building woods. Don't reach your deathbed. This species strafes the sky with a rain of venomous flying spikes while hiding under the cover of the moon. ”

Arianna de Corona

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Order: Guivernia

Suborder: Pterygopodia

Superfamily: Nigeronychterididea

Family: Nigeronychterididae

Genius: Nigeronychteridus

Species: Nigeronychteridus lunavagus

Descendant: Winged hand wyverns

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 50.5 m in length; 7.89 m tall in height; 750 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Dark, metal, combat, air

Inflicts: Bleeding

Weaknesses: Fire, earth, fae, electric, ice

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Near Threatened (NT) – IUCN Red List

Lucent Nargacuga ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Lucent Nargacuga (Nigeronychteridus lunavagus) is the fictional species of saurischian wyvern and the rare species of Nargacuga introduced in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

It has metallic, azure scales, patches of white fur, and a golden-colored chest. It is closely related to Nargacuga and Green Nargacuga yet far larger than them.


Known as the Moon Swift Wyvern, Lucent Nargacuga has the ability to turn invisible, and perform a double tail slam like its green relative. It can also extend its spikes by shaking its tail, even when not enraged. While in this mode, all of its tail attacks cause venomous spikes to fly out. Lucent Nargacuga gains an attack used by Nargacuga in Monster Hunter Frontier, in which it twirls its tail in the air and creates a rain of poisonous spikes.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Lucent Nargacuga are deadly top predators of their environment and can make easy prey out of smaller animals that may live in the Tower. However here they compete with equally deadly predators. Kirin could be a possible prey item as the Wyverns could ambush the Elder Dragon and fatally wound it without being electrocuted. It is very likely that these Nargacuga can inhabit environments such as the Great Forest and Old Jungle where they can prey on Mosswine, Bulldrome, Aptonoth, Kelbi, and possibly even smaller weaker predators such as the common Velocidrome.

This unusual adaptation is caused by its dapples, in which the dapples reflect the light around itself, although usable at any time, this powerful ability is at its strongest when the moon is at its brightest. This adaptation can greatly assist these Nargacuga in hunting their prey and avoid being seen by rival predators such as Silver Rathalos from above. This may also have contributed to them not being discovered until recently. Another adaptation that separates this Nargacuga from its relatives are its tail spikes, which contain a powerful toxin capable of making a Rathalos woozy and killing a hunter in a matter of moments.


Lucent Nargacuga are incredibly territorial, stalking intruders and prey under the cover of night or fog and picking them off with cunning aggressive strikes with venomous effects.

Distribution and Habitat

In the modern era, Nargacuga was found in Eurasia in tropical to temperate forests, from mainland to islands. Lucent Nargacuga was also very exclusive in France according to old journals, living in abandoned civilization and cities across the world with moderate vegetation on forlorn ruins.


Nargacuga can be a pet. The meat dropped by the survivor works when the monster has not noticed the survivor.


Nargacuga and Barioth survive from Rathalos and Rathian, including Kushala Daora and other Elder Dragons after two tragedies from Earth namely Princess Anya Romanov, Jack Dawson and Rose Dawson. The United Nations, Commonwealth of Nations, Agents of Shield, ASEAN, APEC Summit and others declared by the government in Japan during Reiwa were endangered species like Nargacuga and Barioth.

Nargacuga was very sensitive to loud sound objects and starts enrage mode, rattles and opens feather quills to start the assassination against the enemies at the cost and odds.


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

