Dino Horvath

Dino James Idojaras Horvath

“ I'm the father of two children that are my clouds. ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: Dino James Idojaras Horvath

Other Names: Dino

Born: 4 June, 2975

Species: Earthling Human

Nationality: Hungarian

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Occupation: Meteorologist, priest, student

Language Spoken: Hungarian, German, Italian, Romanian, Tagalog, Irish, Welsh, Indonesian, Mapudungun, Avalonian, others

Alignment: Good

Paraphernalia: his fist

Powers and Abilities: 

Partner(s): Alma (wife)

Relative(s): Joszef (oldest son); Dorottya (youngest daughter); Heloise (daughter-in-law); Bartal (son-in-law); Ferenc (father); Antónia (mother); Szabina (paternal-grandmother); Csongor (paternal-grandfather)


Likes: Chocolate, coke, cabbage, mushroom, biology, weather, raining, Almandine, fighting, training, picked herring, t


Inspiration: Pepa Madrigal; Thor Odinson; Aang; Viktor Hargreeves

Dino Horvath is the minor tritagonist and support character introduced in Weather Dragons. Dino is the father of Joszef and Dorottya Horvath and husband of Almandine Vancura of Austria.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Dino is of pure Hungarian descent due to pale skin, right black mole and birthmark altogether on near his nose, black handsome hair and eyelashes to beard and blue eyes. His right hand was marked by the lightning markings due to natural born of weather abilities.


Dino is able to manipulate the weather to a certain extent and is able to make it rain when he is sad or angry, or maybe he during the battle. Allegedly to be descendants of Elizabeth of Hungary, the princess who possesses a weather. Dino and Almandine are former meteorologist turned conservationist knights for protection by the United Nations Peacekeepers and European Union, as well as ASEAN. As the former leader of meteorologist and priest, as well as scientist, he's naturally born with magical powers. He manipulates thunderstorms, tornadoes, hailstorm, rainbow, sandstorm, waterspout, steam devil, to even solar eruption with a form of elemental sword wave-like projectiles that swings his hand like a cash thrown by a hand to instantly cut causing random inflicts.

Both Almandine and Dino are deadliest heroes in the 21st century than their children. With enough absorbed sound or damage, he and she generate a powerful beam of aether and chaos elements and direct it to the enemies and instantly cut and dismemberment effect. This effect was inspired by Viktor Hargreeves from Umbrella Academy and Pepa Madrigal from Encanto.


Dino is the lovely husband of Almandine Vancura until she was survived from an avalanche and pandemic in Mount Everest by Jean the Shoahiguan (the dragon that was killed by his son Joszef as justice). Dino is clearly a former meteorologist in Germany as a member for his old friends, including Heloise's mother as leader. Dino was the fatherly to his two children for prevent any further bad incidents like natural disasters, exploitation, assassination, tragedy romances, human extinction and even genocide because like his son, he hates bad mess for Catholicism to Protestant since he's former priest.


Coming soon

