Domesticated Cowdrake

Vaccadraco domesticus

Domesticated Cowdrake

Amateurism reptiles resemble cattle, but there is no chance of being provoked.

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Palaeodraconia

Family: Vaccadraconidae

Genius: Vaccadraco

Species: Vaccadraco domesticus

Descendant: drakes

Named by: Jerome Milles

Year Published: 1988

Size: 26 m in length; 6.98 cm tall in height; 480 kg in weight


Title: Grassland Cow Dragon


Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: n/a

Inflicts: n/a

Weaknesses: All

Casualties: n/a

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated

Domesticated Cowdrake (Vaccadraco domesticus) is the subspecies of wild Cowdrake introduced in Weather Dragons and Worldcraft, it was considered herbivorous dragon.


The combination is named for cow and drake, a kind of dragon.

Physical Appearance

The domesticated cowdrake is a big drake that has two horns, pale reddish maroon skin with rows of black sparkling scutes, grey glove markings, pale yellowish underbelly scales, and hazel eyes. It has dark brown spots and patches all over its body. Domesticated cowdrakes come in a variety of skin, horns, and eye colors depending on their breeds and surroundings.


Do you notice that Grassland Cowdrake shaved 4 radii hectares of grasses eaten by a single bite? It is very rare. Produced protein and carbohydrates are in their own flesh as a result of alternate Avalonian food from the Earth subpopulation.


Cowdrakes are typically recognized as the most abundant and least robust of all known herbivores. Despite their vulnerability, cowdrakes have proven to be extremely adaptable to a range of settings. They continue to survive in large numbers despite being at the bottom of each of these environments, including dense tropical forests, moist swamps, and even tropical islands and plains, due to their fast growth and reproduction rates.

This shell plate is strong enough to protect the animal from injuries such as claw attacks. Their green skin acts as a camouflage, helping them mix in with marshy or forest settings. Cowdrakes also grow powerful skull plates and teeth that may tear through plants to protect the animal from harm. Cowdrakes will flee from any predatory threat, including humans, lions, tigers, leopards, theropods, wyverns, giant snakes, and others, unless they are trapped or carrying young.


The alpha male that led Cowdrake only responded to other dominant males or females in order to maintain order. Before escaping, this animal was the target of two attacks and threats. Additionally, the leader is unbiased.

Distribution and Habitat

All of Sawintir, as well as all of Eurasia and Africa (except from Ireland, Indonesian, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, Malta, Madagascar, and Iceland), were home to the domesticated cowdrake. Its origin is unclear, and Saurfolks domesticated it. It found its way from grasslands to prairies.


Cowdrakes were shot to tranquilize them, rendered unconscious, fed while they were unconscious, and used drugs to repeatedly overdose. A cowdrake that hatches from an egg is tamed right away since it stays within 17 radii of the hatching egg. If a cowdrake is not already tamed, you may tame it with boiled eggs, cabbages, pine leaves, and meat wrapped in seaweed.


Bereshit - 30,000-10,000 BCE

Phanes used Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of the Aesirs or Deities to produce any creatures, including humans, monsters, and animals, for the creation of cowdrakes.

Foreign Languages

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