Overworld Drake

[Protodraco praeteritus]

The Overworld Drake was the first of Wyrmroost's dragons to be developed.

"They may not be able to fly but that doesn't mean they can't send you flying." - S.Fl

Overworld Drakes are medium sized drakes, with long tusks for uprooting the earth to look for food and for fending off both predators and other Overworld Drakes. Their sturdy claws on their feet make short work of the uprooted earth in their way. Their colour depends on the place they call home.

They are highly territorial drakes who will attack if they feel threatened or if something gets too close. The roar they emit will apply slowness if you are too close.


"All it requires is a little time and you will have an ideal mount." - W.T

You must break in the Overworld Drake by putting a saddle on it's back where it will throw you off repeatedly before submitting to you.


"The males seem to have larger horns to combat rival males and more vivid markings to attract females regardless of what place they call home." - J.E

You simply feed a male and female overworld drake wheat to make them produce an egg.


"Their tusks are made for uprooted earth and fending off far worse dragons. Did you honestly think they would have no use as a mount?" - S.Fl

Overworld Drakes make for trusty battle mounts. They also come with the sturdiness required to carry chests and wear armour making them the ideal drake for travel.

Overworld Drake (Male Plains Variant)


  • Raw common meat

  • Leather

  • Drake back plate