Eggs and hatchlings

"Oh, that egg looks... difficult to lay." - S.Fl

Most dragons in this mod lay eggs. Each species of dragon has their own egg, which can very in both size and appearence.

By default apex dragons and higher can only be bred a certain amont of times, which can be changed in the configs.

Hatching and growth

Each species of dragon has their own hatch time that is influenced by what tier they are. Apexes and behemoths will take far longer to hatch then low tier and common dragon.

Once hatched the baby takes twice the amount of time it needed to hatch, to grow into adult hood.


Some babies will look the same as the adult of the species but others will have different colours that will change once they hit adulthood.

Some species babies will show gender dimorphism while other species show no difference between genders until they are adults.

Eggs will be getting new textures to make them more unique for each dragon.

Back row; Overworld Drake, Silver Glider, Roost Stalker, Butterfly Leviathan

Front row; Canaru Wyvern, Royal red, Alpine