
"It's facinating how this ecosystem has developed. It doesn't matter how smart we are, even those lower in the food chain are a threat."- J.E

The dragons of this mod are classified into different tiers. These different tiers are determined by their place in the food chain with the higher tier dragons having higher stats then the lower tiers.


  • Low

  • Common

  • Apex

  • Behemoth

It should be noted that there can be species of dragons that are far smaller or bigger then average dragon species of that tier.

Low tier

"Despite being small they are the building blocks of any ecosystem."- J.E

Low tiers are the weakest dragons in the mod. They are typically small predatores and herbivores. Even the predators of this tier are vital food sources for the bigger dragons of their respective ecosystems.


  • Roost Stalker

  • Silver Glider

  • Lesser Desertwyrm

  • Canari Wyvern

  • Dragonfruit Drake

  • Coin Dragon


It is rare for low tier dragons to have dangerous abilities. More often then not they will have abilities that allow them to escape instead but that does not mean they are harmless.

Common Tier

"They are the back bone of any ecosystem here, they may not be at the very bottom but they are both an important source of food and some fairly succesful hunters."- J.E

This tier of dragons is made up of mid to large sized dragons. They have a tendancy to be herbivores and omnivores but they can be carnivores too.


  • Overworld Drake

  • Alpine dragon


While common tier dragons are not as powerful as the higher tiers that does not mean they can not be dangerous. Some of them even have the ability to produce lesser forms of breath weapons that you associate with more dangerous dragons.

Apex Tier

"Is it possible that these dragons and their ravenouse appertites act as a form of population control?"- J.E

These dragons are at the top of the normal ecostystems food chains. They are all highly aggressive and dangerous dragons that take down their prey with terrifying ferocity.


  • Butterfly Leviathan

  • The Royal Red Dragon


The species of this tier very wildely in how they take down their prey but what is consistant is that they are incredibly dangerous. Every single apex species have abilities that are unique to them specificaly. If they have fire no other species weilds fire quite like they do such as The Royal Red Dragons flames are the hottest of any recorded dragon in The Wyrmroost.

Behemoth Tier

"Never before have I seen such species like these. They are both walking disasters and bringers of change."- J.E

These are not only the rarest tier of dragons in the mod they are both the largest and most dangerous. Once they have reached a certain stage in their life they are no longer a normal part of the ecosystem and it is very rare for them to be kill by another non behemoth dragon.



With the size of most behemoths them merely moving about can cause tremors to anything near them. Even without meaning to their can cause harm by merely moving.