Canari Wyvern

[Vespasaurus psitcomimus]

These parrot-like Low tier Wyverns were the first Wyvern to be added to the mod.

"...They are cute, they just like sitting on my shoulder, however they are quite possessive and will attack anything that touches me."- S.Fl

Canari wyverns are defensive dragons; if you approach them they will try to run away before they will threaten you. When threatening they will display their wings and hold up their stinger behind them.

If this threat of theirs is ignored they will jump at the threat and sting them inflicting an unpleasant venom.


"Smart little Wyverns. They will give you a small window of time to gain their trust." - W.T

To gain their trust you must offer the Canari wyvern sweet berries just as they are using their threat pose towards you to show you are no threat.


"They are very particular about where they nest and when. It needs to be just the right kind of leaves and a lil'bit of sweetness." - J.E

Female Canari dragons have tinted white coloured bands on their neck and tail while the males have another bright colour instead of white.

To get them to breed you must feed a male and female some sweet berries which are also a place holder for their actual food source.

Canari wyverns eggs will only hatch when placed on the leaves of the trees that they are named for. Jungle leaves are a place holder until this tree is out.


"Their venom more then makes up for their small frame. They also make for great distractions." - W.TCanari dragons will preen themselves dropping feathers periodically. They can also be carried on your shoulders and head making them easy to transport without the need for a Dragon crystal.

If one has a dragon staff then they can train the Canari's to attack a target of your choice. All of their attacks inflict poison.

Upcoming Canari Wyvern Model (Male variant)


  • Lowtier meat

  • Feather