Silver Glider

[Ankylodactylus caudaluma]

The Silverglider is a low tier Wingwalker that most closely resembles the seagull and that is no accident.

"Blasted things won't shut up. What makes it worse that they jump at their own shadows." - S.Fl

They are covered in sleek white scales that seem to help them in the sky. Their orange beaks draw your attention straight to their face.

Silver Gliders are very flighty dragons who will flee when you go near them. Their long, thin wings allow them to soar through the air over long distances.

Their tail seems to help them in flight as well. Despite being so small they have an amazing grip strength.


"They are quick to startle but if approached right will not flee." - J.E

These flighty dragons are tamed by crouching and slowly approaching them with fish. You must feed them the fish without causing them to flee.


"Fascinating, the males seem to produce a glow. Is it their food that causes this? what purpose does it serve? Is it maybe to attract more prey for the females?" - J.E

The females on the other hand have no colour or glow. You breed them by feeding a male and female glider fish, which will produce an egg.


"No, I don't care how far they can carry me I am not keeping one. I don't even trust one to keep a grip on me." - S.Fl

The Silver Glider's long wings make it an ideal way to break your fall. They are their own living form of elytra. You can not gain height but you can glide from high places.

Silver Glider Model (Female variant)


  • Raw lowtier meat