Coin Dragon

[Draco valorephilus]

Coin Dragons are a Low tier hexapod who are both an animal and a form of currency.

"It's so attached to it's coin, it's almost as if it would die before ever parting with it." - J.E

These dragons come in five different colours. There are no other difference between each of them besides the colour.

Their travel depends entirely on other creatures around them. At most they will flutter in place while clutching their precious coin.

They just flutter in place not moving for anything...what do they eat if they never let go of their coin?


"Weird, the dragon doesn't care what you do as long as you don't take its coin away." S.Fl

You don't tame them, you own them. Coin dragons will stay wherever you place them down holding their coin.


"There are as many dragons as there are coins, the more coins the more dragons appear."- W.T

Coin dragons can not be bred, they can only be found in chests and other similar places.


"Never before have I seen a creature that is willingly a form of currency, fascinating." J.E

Coin dragons can be traded to a wandering trader for various items. Such as geodes, trumpets and jewelled apples.

(creature) Model


  • Gold nuggets