Platinum (Pre overhaul)

"Why is it that this metal is so prevelant here yet gold is nearly non existant?"- J.E

Platinum is a very light coloured metal. It has a very strong shine to it. By it's very nature it has a strong connection to magic and other similar forces.


Platinum is only a little better then iron when it comes to imbuing it with magic.

Rarity and spawning

Platinum is not that rare, it is about as rare as iron but it does not spawn in veins like iron.


Helmet: 2 armour points, 0.1 armour toughness

Chestplate: 7 armour points, 0.1 armour toughness

Leggings: 5 armour points, 0.1 armour toughness

Boots: 2 armour points, 0.1 armour toughness


Sword: 6 damage, 1.6 speed

Pickaxe: 4 damage, 1.2 speed

Axe: 8.5 damage, 1.2 speed

Shovel: 4 damage, 1 speed

Hoe: 1 damage, 3 speed

(pre overhaul) platinum items