Dragonfruit Drake

[Protodraco roseus]

Dragonfruit Drakes are the second Drake and first low tier drake to be added to the mod. They are also the first and only sugested dragon to make it into the mod.

"At least cats don't attack you for just existin- oh wait." - S.Fl

Dragonfruit drakes are very odd drakes that disguise themselves as dragonfruits. The babies are a green colour, blending into the environment, while the adults stand out with very vivid colours.

These cat like Drakes like to take nap during the day. They are hostile to anything that approaches them or their babies.

These drakes live in small family groups consisting of multiple adults and sometimes a baby or two.


"Adults are a lost cause, however the babies can be trained." - W.T

It seems that the babies are more tolerant to new things and different creatures.

You tame these drakes by finding a baby among the hostile adults and feeding it fruit. Currently it is apples as a place holder.


"Despite their agression it seems that Dragonfruit Drakes are not meat eaters...did they only recently make the switch?" - J.E

The males have purple underbellies while the females have white ones. To breed Dragonfruit drakes you must have a male and female. Once you have them you must feed them an apple each.


"We have them helping out on the farm but is that really what they are best at?" - W.TThey are very slow which makes them not idea for mounts or travelling companions.

Dragonfruit drakes currently destroy 3x3 areas of grass and boost near by crop growth when fed a glistering melon.

Dragonfruit Drake Model


  • Apple