
Most dragons in the mod have more then one variant. Variants are simply the different textures of a dragon. For example Lesser Desertwyrms only have a single variant.


  • Common

  • Rare

  • Albinism

  • Melanism

  • Golden

  • Special

It should be noted that not all dragons will have multiple variants let alone rare or special variants.


"The more common the appearence is the less interesting it is. Arguable not drawing attention to yourself is a good thing." - W.T

Common variants are simply the most common appearences that you will see of any dragon. For example the Plains Overworld Drake and the Savanna Overworld Drake are both common variants.


"How does this difference in appearence effect their chances of survival?" - J.E

Rare variants have a 3% chance to spawn instead of a normal variant. Not all dragons have this mutation that allows this to happen.

  • Albinism

  • Overworld Drake

  • Roost Stalker

  • Butterfly Leviathan

  • Melanism

  • Royal red

  • Golden

  • Silver Glider

  • Dragonfruit Drake


These are not variants you will find naturally. They are either name tag variants or they can only be summoned by a command.

  • Name Tag

  • Overworld drake - Jeb, Daisy

  • Canari Wyvern - Rudy, Lady Everlyn Winklestein

Overworld Drake (Male Plains Variant)