Butterfly Leviathan

[Cantharus quatroptera]

The Butterfly Leviathan was both the first apex and first Leviathan to be added to the mod.

"You rely too much on dumb luck to obtain one and they are just bad overall creatures. Their power is not even worth it." -D.M

Butterfly Leviathans are large Leviathans who ambush their prey with great speed from the depths. They are highly agressive to anything they deem as suitable prey. Their four flippers aid in these bursts of speed.

They are solo hunters who deliver devastating bites and blasts of electricity. Thankfully they have a visible glowing charged state that warns they can send another deadly blast. They can be found in a purple or blue colour but other then the colour there are no differences.


"Taming the Butterfly Leviathan is no small feat. You must drain them of their deadly static." - S.Fl

Version 1.1.0 - 1.1.2

You beach them and feed them kelp. How pathetic.

Version 1.2.0

Taming the Butterfly Leviathan is both a unique and difficult task. First the environment must mimic their natural home of perpetual rain.

The second factor is that you must lure them on land beaching it and goad them to discharge the electricity they hold. The glowing blue lines on the beast will fade once it is discharged.

Once it has discharged you must quickly feed it meat to attempt to tame it. If you fail then it will regain energy from the meat and you must discharge it and do the process again until it trusts you.

Once tamed it will stop attacking you completely.


"Their glowing is no indication of their gender, their colours also seem to serve no indication of gender outwardly either...how odd." - J.E

Despite being carnivores there is something about kelp that causes two Butterfly Leviathans to breed when fed it.


"Almost useless on land but a force to be recond with in the water. Hmm, maybe I should see what happens if you attach a conduit to one." -W.T

Their size allows them to carry two players at any one time.

Butterfly Leviathans are swift in the water and can leap out much like a dolphin does. Their electricity is not the only way they can attack. They do deliver a nasty bite to those close to them.

To make use of their infamous lightning the Leviathan must be submerged in water where you can target any mob on land or in water with a powerful lightning blast (default G). Once used the charged blue markings will fade to indicate a recharge period. You will only be able to use this attack again once the markings are fully visible and glowing.

If you have a dragon staff you can use it to access the Leviathan's inventory and can equip a conduit. This will cause a lightning strike and a roar. The conduit will then float around the Butterfly leviathan above its head. This gives any near by players the Conduit Power effect.

Butterfly Leviathan Model


  • Raw apex meat

  • Sea pickle

  • Seagrass

  • Kelp

  • Nautilus shell

  • Heart of the sea