Alpine Dragon

[Pteravis circumtectus]

The concept for The Alpine dragons was originally going to be used in Dragonmounts 2 instead they became one of Wyrmroosts Common Tier Hexapods.

"...Their feathers are incredibly fluffy and warm. I am willing to sacrifice others to have them by my side. They don't care about defects like broken antennae or anything like that so it's easy."- W.T

Alpine dragons are mid-large sized feathery dragons. Their powerful wings are more then capable of emiting a strong blast of wind when required.

Soaring through the sky on their wings they come in a veriety of colours most of which do not blend in to their surroundings.


"They adore pollen covered creatures. It's actually kind of scary the effort they will go through to eat one. I hope to never be on the receiving end of that."- W.T

Version 1.2.0-1.2.11

To tame the alpine you must bring a leashed, bee that is pollinated to the Alpine Dragon where it will consume it. The leash must be a normal leash and nothing else. This is just a place holder method.


"These dragons seem to love incredibly sweet substances. Maybe it is an indication of the correct season for them?" - J.E

In order to breed Alpines in 1.2.11 and prior you can use any two Alpines as they are genderless and feed them honey bottles or honey comb.

In versions above 1.2.11 Alpines will have genders where the males have longer tail feathers and have colours on their tail as well.


"Useless for anything other then travel. Sure it has strong wings but it can't really carry anything, other then a single passenger." - S.Fl

Alpine dragons are the fastest mount in the mod. This makes them the best travel mount however they are unable to carry anything other then the player.

While they can produce strong air blasts with their wings that sends foes flying they are not built for combat and are not suitable for it as a result.

They are fragile dragons so they can not take many hits. This fragility makes them unable to wear armour. In current versions they are unable to bite as well.

Alpine Dragon Model (female variant)


  • Raw common meat

  • Feathers