Misc items

This page is for the items of the mod that have uses but are not large enough or important enough to have their own page dedicated to them.

Trumpets can be gotten through coin dragon trades with wondering traders. When used you hear the sounds of a Butterfly Leviathan.

"Not bad, and they don't taste like chicken either."- W.T

Top row is cooked, bottom row is raw. Left to right; Low tier, common tier, Apex and behemoth meat.

Almost every dragon in the mod drops a form of meat depending on the tier that it is.


Raw low tier meat: gives 1 hunger point (half of a section of the bar)

Cooked low tier meat: gives 3 hunger points (a section and a half)

Raw common meat: 3 hunger points (a section and a half of the bar)

Cooked common meat: 8 hunger points (four sections of the bar)

Raw apex meat: gives 5 hunger points (two and a half sections)

Cooked apex meat: 16 hunger points (eight sections of the bar)

Raw behemoth meat: gives 7 hunger points (three and a half sections of the bar)

Cooked behemoth meat: gives 20 hunger points (fully filling the entire bar) and

Cooked Desertwyrm: gives 10 hunger points (give sections of the bar)

Dragon materials

Drake Back plates: These are dropped by Overworld drakes.