Roost Stalker

[Parahexapus ruptor]

These small low tier drakes were originally meant to stalk a different kind of roost before they became a part of the Wyrmroost.

"I've never seen a dragon with six legs like this before...could it possibly be an ancestral family to the other dragons?" - J.E

Roost stalkers are small, social drakes who live in packs. They use their six legs to traverse through small spaces. They use their beaks to break into places they should not be in and steal the contents. Their horns help prevent attacks to the back of the skull.

Due to their egg eating life style many dragons are hostile to them on sight, as a result Roost stalker packs will swarm attackers to try and drive them off.


"It wants eggs, so give it eggs." - W.T

They will consume eggs of any animal dragon or not. Their tenacity for eggs is quite remarkable.


"I don't want to know what these gold diggers do with the gold they get, only that more of them appear when they get some." - S.Fl

These are one of the few dragon species with no way to determine if they have genders at all, but that does not matter. When you wish to breed them feed two of them a gold nugget.


"They are like your average wolf but they can hold a sword. That makes them better." - W.T

Roost stalkers are not strong on their own but they become more dangerous when equipped with weapons and numbers.

They can also be be carried on your head if you right click them.

Roost Stalker Model


  • Raw lowtier meat

  • Gold nuggets