Royal Red

[Dracorectis regalia]

The Royal Red Dragon is the Apex Hexapod and can be considered the counterpart to the Wingwalkers Apex.

"Just how do they make their fire so hot? No other dragon I have encountered has this intensity to their fire."- J.E

Royal Reds are very hostile dragons, torching their opponents from afar and than rending them with their claws if they get in melee range.

They can be spotted flying in the sky looking for prey and rivals. Males are typically seen more often then females are as they wander about and do not have set territories.


"They are not stupid, they know when to submit to their betters."- S.fl

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To gain the respect of a beast such as the Royal Red Dragon you must fight them until they are exhausted and collapse on the ground. You may think they are dead but in reality are knocked out.

Then you must wait some time while it regains its strength (about 1min 30seconds) and feed it some meat.

If you are successful then they will wake up and be your ally.


"It seems that the females will stay around the nest and guard the young, while the males are chased off once their job has been done. This just seems to be a facet of the females more aggressive behaviour."- J.E

The females are far bigger then the males with a full crest of head spikes. Their colour however is duller then the males. The males on the other hand have no head crest and are a more vivid red.

To breed them you must feed a male and female some meat, which will result in an egg. Once hatched the babies will be a paler colour and without horns.


"What do you mean what do you use them for? Their fire alone is a deadly asset to anyone wishing to survive in The Roost. Not to mention their size scares off many wood be attackers."- W.T

Royal Reds are incredibly powerful dragons that with their sheer size and claws alone deal deadly attacks making them perfect for combat. Their frightening size also causes their roar to empower their allies applying strength to them. This size also allows them to carry two passengers both on the ground and in the air.

The deadliest part of The Royal Red is their fire. Their blue flames are the hottest kind out of any dragons encountered in The Wyrmroost.

Royal Red Model (female texture)


  • Raw apex meat