Crimson Guilapos

Leucalaopejeinos jeanii

Crimson Guilapos

“ Traitors of this little, secluded island were red-skinned rebels. Mouthwateringly unveiled by the acid in their saliva. ”

– unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Berbanuryota

Kingdom: Berbanozoota

Phylum: Hiravachordata

Class: Berbanaves

Order: Leucalaopejeinia

Family: Leucalaopejeinidae

Genius: Leucalaopejeinos

Species: Leucalaopejeinos jeanii

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 65 m tall in height; 22 to 26 inches long in length; wingspan estimate to 15 m in length; 45 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: n/a

Inflicts: Acidified, sundered

Weaknesses: Water

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Crimson Guilapos (Leucalaopejeinos jeanii) or burngaes gilapas'ha is the species of Guilapos from Berbania planet. Crimson Guilapos was separate species from normal Guilapos.


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Physical Appearance

Crimson Guilapos was different from the normal and baleful one, altering the red and crimson color instead of white and red. Also have red bioluminescent markings. There are two kinds of this species in the subpopulations: bloodshed and clear. The bloodshed population has more or fewer scars on the entire body, while the clear population has no scars.


Unlike the two of them, this creature lacks electricity or paralysis gas. Rather, use a physical attack like a lunge-neck ballistic attack to bite, stretching the neck more than two of them. But it was very dangerous due to the corrosive acid-causing stun.


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Although these aliens are cave dwellers, they go out when they please or when food inside grows too scarce. While Guilapos outside a cave are vulnerable to larger predators, both animals and extraterrestrials, their aggressiveness is closely tied to their senses. If the wyvern cannot detect prey, it will quite literally remain blind to their presence. Guilaposes are ambush predators who lie in wait near underground water sources or cave entrances, waiting for unwary prey to enter their domain.

Distribution and Habitat

Crimson Guilapos' habitat originated from Zelloap Island in eastern Dirthsao, the only insular species, and it's an insular dwarfism. Smaller than two mainland cousins, the same size as German shepherds.


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Foreign Languages

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