Midnight Boiuna

Titaneunectes brasiliensis

Midnight Boiuna

“ The records of large, living snakes were only found in oral accounts; the Brazilians, Portuguese people, and Spaniards encountered that there was no proof of the Black Nazarene. Called Cobra Grande, it is a big misunderstanding that this cantankerous reptile was black. ”

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Boidae

Genius: Titaneunectes

Species: Titaneunectes brasiliensis

Descendant: anaconda

Named by: Juan Pedro de Antonio

Year Published: 1878

Size: 45.5 meter length; 12.5 m tall in height; 6,666 kilograms in weight

Lifespan: 25+ years




Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Dark, Leaf, Light

Inflicts: Choked, lighted, gnashed

Weaknesses: Fire, light, dark

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Nazarene Boiuna or Midnight Boiuna (Titaneunectes brasiliensis; IPA: bɔːˈjʊnə) is a mythical creatures and guardians of Zowhringe to Brazil, the variant of Boiuna introduced in Worldcraft: Elf's Heritage.


Mboiaçu means "black snake" in Yanomami languages, both Hispanophone; Lusophone and Anglicized as Boiuna / Boiúna, without a diacritics in Anglicization.

Nazarene Boiuna was nicknamed for being Black Nazarene, a ritual of Spaniards and French people can ritualist Jesus, who brought this statue into the Philippines as "Itim ng Nazareno" through Mexico via Manila Galleon. Sometimes called in Brazilians, New Zealanders, Australians, Indian people, Visayans, and Peruvians called Midnight Boiuna, means the coloration of skin that Boiuna, it was nocturnal animal and makes it scarier and difficult to tame.

Physical Appearance

Midnight Boiuna is a Boiuna that are pseudomelanism, a half percentage of being as melanistic animal. Their body was exposed to melanism except for dark yellow, orange with brown rings and yellow underbelly. Their eye color was red.


Unlike regular Boiuna, the Midnight Boiuna has only a few dark elements that use black magic to disintegrate and wither away from shredded.



Midnight Boiuna were considered the top predators in their food chain, and their rival was now-extinct Titanoboa also fit in ecological balance and their ecological niche. Boiuna was over-appetizer, which means we cannot eat it when it comes to hibernation. Their scales are perfect during midnight as a sign of countershading at deep forests or deep caverns.

An euryphagic species, the Midnight Boiuna feeds on a variety of aquatic and terrestrial creatures, including fish, reptiles, birds, large mammals, other snakes, and members of their own species.


Midnight Boiuna is an aggressive ambush predator that will strike when prey is in reach at their mark. The Boiuna will also utilize the misty fog or sea fog in its environment to launch ambush attacks on unsuspecting hunters or prey either using mud or spotlight eyes.

Distribution and Habitat

Midnight Boiuna was found in Nova Barcelona, Zowhringe Island at Berbania, but also in Reinachos like Xaltos and New Tenochtitlan, and Oaxilantia regions, and even Planet Earth like Amazon river as their original home, as mistaken for larger Titanoboa also black skin. Unlike regular boiuna, Midnight Boiuna bask during the day and are nocturnal creatures. The species, which Diego Rivas characterized as crepuscular and showing greater activity late in the day and early in the evening, was active at night. During the day as well as at night, the environmentalist hunters observed enormous snakes moving, stalking, entangling, and mating. In Venezuela's hyper-seasonal savannas (llanos), Midnight Boiuna can be found in a variety of aquatic environments with marshlands, such as oxbow lakes in the western Amazon.


Midnight Boiuna was tranquilized when only shoot at near death, use the kibble from their capybaras, and crucified using sign of the cross in their holding that Boiuna was fear of religion, Protestant; Catholic Church; or Judaism were only make freight this snake, until now yours.


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