
Reinofalco hungarica


 “ Hungarians proved this thing, unknown to their religion. A bird of prey on their talons that is sharper than swords and knives, piercing through shields and armor. Nobody, when you encounter this big hawk, orders their big hawk to drop the owner's sword and their crown as their crown prince. The known national symbol of Hungary is the warrior hawk. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Falconiformes

Family: Falconidae

Genius: Reinofalco

Species: Reinofalco hungarica

Descendant: Merlin Falcon × Saker Falcon hybrid

Named by: Wilhelm Sanders

Year Published: 1998

Size: 3.50 m tall in length (11.44 feet), 450 kg in weight, 35 m in wingspan at length

Lifespan: 30-35 years



Pantheon: Hungarian

Time Period: Pleistocene to Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air, combat

Inflicts: Aired, bleeding, confusion

Weaknesses: Electric, ice, sound


Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Turul (Reinofalco hungarica) is the one of the mythical creatures introduced in Worldcraft: Five Worlds from an Island, the main deuteragonist for Hungarians like Conan to Genevieve. The turul is a mythological bird of prey, mostly depicted as a falcon, a national symbol of Hungarians.


In Modern Hungarian as the plural "turulok" was from Turkish: "toğrul" means to a bird of prey like eagle rather than hawk, it refers to the giant birds in the most mythologies.

Physical Appearance

With the exception of a golden crown as a monarch, Turul evolved for a golden eagle of the Northern Hemisphere, a hybrid of an African crowned eagle and a Latin American harpy eagle. The white feathery buttons are visible in this instance and are being used as intended. Unlike falcons and eagles, Turul had brown eyes and superb vision. Turul have zygodactyl feet, which suggests they are connected to parrots as their progenitors, unlike actual falcons and hawks. This indicates that they mistook the Golden Eagle's convergent development for that of the Haast's Eagle or the Pouakai.


A swift predator of the skies, Turul grabs adversaries into the air at the speed of a wind. When Turul kills an enemy by hurling him 45 meters into the air, he gives a heights-phobia warning. Turul fanning their wings produced a horrible twister that lasted for two seconds before it stopped confusing the adversaries. Turul use their claws, which can readily pierce metal armor and even osteoderms. They are sharper than swords. To avoid turul-caused exsanguination and dismemberment, wear better armor like unobtainium, diamond, obsidian, mithril, orichalcum, and other materials with higher resistance.


Weather Phenomenon


Turul sits at the middle of the food chain. Turul was in solidarity, only the female found her mate to male. Turul when lays an egg up ro six, three to six (usually 4 or 5) eggs are laid. The rusty brown eggs average at about 40 mm × 31.5 mm (1.57 in × 1.24 in). The incubation period is 25 to 35 days. Incubation is performed by the female to about 90%; the male instead hunts to feed the family. Hatchlings weigh about 20 g (0.70 oz). The young fledge after another 35 days or so, and are dependent on their parents for up to 6 more weeks. Sometimes first-year Turuls (especially males) will serve as a "nest helper" for an adult pair. More than half—often all or almost all—eggs of a clutch survive hatching, and at least two-thirds of the hatched young fledglings.

They also appear in the east but are uncommon in Hungary, but very rare to migrate outside their country to worldwide. Usually hunting during nighttime or dawn hours, but were recorded hunting from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset during the breeding season in Hungary. When conditions are heavily anticyclonic, there is more soaring during the day and dusk. Territoriality is believed to be the primary cause of interactions and confrontations between non-paired birds. Turul was the apex predator, until Sárkány is the true one apex predator in Hungary. Prefer wild, native prey but can easily adapt to domesticated and/or exotic animals, most often when the prey returns to a nest with all kinds of animals.

It is also said that the mythic bird, the Turul, is the original bird of the original Hungarians, the Magyars, who migrated out of the plains of Central Asia. Turul dropped its sword in what is now modern day Budapest, indicating to the Magyars that the area was to be their homeland, and snatched the enemy with one or two claws holding it to death by fall damage.


The Turul's role is one of a protector spirit that protects the Hungarians or other turuls. This bird was curious and passive peacefully until provoked without being deadly, but is forbidden for use.

Distribution and Habitat

Turul was located in temperate deciduous, oceanic climate, Mediterranean forest, boreal forest/taiga, tundra, and xeric shrubland regions in Berbania, Reinachos, and Earth. The original home of Turul was Hungary, this bird’s homeland.


Unlike dinosaur guardians, Turul is one of the only exceptions that need a daunted task force. Turul attacked you when you survived from high damage, after Turul was tired for a chance to feed and heal, and back and vice versa. After Turul was overexposed, feed with meats for chances are now instantly tamed.

Alternatively, the chick feeds with meat from the rabbit in the nest.


Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, produced Turul, the ultimate weapon. The mythical falcon, the Turul, which resembles an eagle, is said to be the first bird of the Magyars, the original Hungarians who moved from the plains of Central Asia.


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