Elder Dragons

Matandang Dragon

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" These animals are among the most powerful beings and beasts found far outside the recognized tree of life. The mere sight of an Elder Dragon is enough to trigger natural events, calamities, kleptoparasitism, and destruction. The brains are either stupid or smart, and it is unknown which. Much is still unknown about them and our society. "

Boutros Boutros-Ghali

Elder Dragons are species, which refers to the classification of different creatures within the ecosystem and determines certain characteristics of the creatures, their habitat, and their actions. There is one of the guardians that is far removed from the known tree of life. The very appearance of an elder dragon is enough to cause natural phenomena and disasters like anti-predation and kleptoparasitism. Much remains unknown about them.

Unlike other creatures's types, which classify species by shared traits, Elder Dragons are creatures that defy typical classification and sit outside of the standard ecosystem, regardless of any superficial resemblance to a true "dragon" that is closely related to snakes and mosasaurs, which are descendants of the normal dragons. These groups are usually rare creatures with immense magical powers that have lived since ancient times before the Age of Dinosaurs to the Future Era of Humankind, making them more of a phenomenon than a mere animal; disasters, cataclysms, living forces of nature, and even the abduction of princesses (or in some cases, noblewomen, duchesses, maidens, first ladies, president's daughters, and others) that have never been observed by biologists, zoologists, and meteorologists known as "Princess and Dragon."

In the past, some Elder Dragons were worshiped as gods; however, in the present, the Hunter's Guild, the Assassin Order, the Templar Order, and other world organizations marks them as threats to the ecosystem. The most common types of elder dragons are European dragons or winged dragons; some of them are drakes, sea serpents, amphipteres, and even oriental dragons (or Eastern dragons). Elder dragons are the only animals that cannot be captured in traps.

Uniquely, many elder dragons can be repelled if they are not slain. They will retain the damage dealt to them, allowing one specific dragon to be fought over multiple quests. When an Elder Dragon is present on a standard hunting ground, all small monsters (except their monsters) are absent if it is in enraged or near-death experience mode in prehistoric to 1999. However, since 2000, Elder Dragons have been treated as regular monsters, with no small monsters leaving or environmental characteristics happening. This only applied to the elder dragons that were able to be in normal locales. They also cause certain environmental characteristics to happen (i.e., Gochdraig and their relatives have the locale have ash or drought, Kushala Daora makes windy, Nigrostra makes darkness, Radachaloh makes raining blue particles, Amhuluk makes it malaria, Chameleos makes it hazy, etc.).

List of Original Elder Dragons

This is a list of true Elder Dragons in mythologies, folklores and literatures on Earth.

List of Fictional Elder Dragons

This is a list of Elder Dragons aren't found in myths and legends or literature.

List of Monster Hunter Elder Dragons

This is a list of Elder Dragons in Monster Hunter series.

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