Coral Faultstriker

Megalocroton corallius

Coral Faultstriker

“ Watch out Isabella, this is a giant tick! ”

Roberto Tingmok

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Subphylum: Chelicerata

Class: Arachnida

Order: Ixodida

Superfamily: Ixodoidea

Family: Ixodidae

Genius: Megalocroton

Species: Megalocroton corallius

Descendant: ticks

Named by: ???

Year Published: 2024

Size: 2.3 m tall in height; 89 cm in length; 150 kg in weight


Title: Coral-wielding Tick


Time Period: Pliocene-Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Arcane

Inflicts: Stunned, bursted

Weaknesses: Fire, nature, metal, dark

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Least Concern

Coral Faultstriker (Megalocroton corallius) is the fictional species of the largest known tick introduced in Worldcraft: Dawdled.


Faultstriker is the name because it can destroy the terrain and corals, but rarely sightings that cause landslides and recreates itself encased with limestones or other stuff with corals.

Physical Appearance

Coral Faultstriker is the largest tick, due to harsh environments that highly increase the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the corals became well adapted to air breathing, and some ticks evolved into larger and a Lamborghini-size. Their color skin of this species was dull magenta abdomen, dark brown legs and limbs, two claws on the appendages, blindness and can see through the hearing from stomach, and mouthparts that is a largest known parasite.

Male ones are larger than females, but females are paler and faster than males but rarely used corals and stones are armor.


Coral Faultstriker is very annoying due to being like ankle biters, their legs without carrying any stones and corals, it can fast and leaps to the enemy and biting and drinking the blood. Unlike the ticks, this animal was a scavenger and parasite and it spews blood from others. Faultstriker can hide itself using corals or stone like anti-predatory adaptation.

It broke all pieces of armor from Faultstriker, it made it back to their own weight and now fast, and can climb.


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Faultstriker is predatory in nature, both large and powerful enough to prey on both survivors and small creatures alike because of a mixed predatory and parasitic nature. It is known to attack from the skies and use his weaponized forelimbs to attack.

Distribution and Habitat

Coral Faultstriker is native to Planet Reinachos in Lighruperisal archipelago and peninsula, but cannot be adapted in pink grasslands to pink cherry blossom forests, but in this forest also hunted at midnight to hide from exposure. The origin of this species originated from Avalon and Colombia, Jeju Island, Kiribati and Australia on Earth.


Coral Faultstriker was fed with dead animals brought by survivors in order to tame it.


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Foreign Languages

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