Common Huepjoque

Thoatherium minusculum

Common Huepjoque

“ A horse-like small litopteran mammal of South America existed in the Miocene before the land bridge connection and made a damned isolated ecological niche. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Litopterna

Family: Proterotheriidae

Genius: Thoatherium

Species: Thoatherium minusculum

Descendant: Proterotheriids

Named by: Florentino Ameghino

Year Published: 1887

Size: 70 centimetres (2.3 feet) in length; 45 centimeters tall in height; 10 kilograms in weight



Pantheon: Terran/Gaian

Time Period: Early Miocene (Santacrucian) ~17.5–16.3 MYA BCE

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Herbivorous

Elements: n/a

Inflicts: Thumped, stunned

Weaknesses: Electric, fire

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Common Huepjoque (Thoatherium minusculum) is an extinct species of Thoatherium, is an extinct genus of litoptern mammals from the Early Miocene of Argentina.


Huepjoque is the Hispanization of Argentinian Spanish and European Spanish via a combination of Mapuche: wemül for deer, and Toba Qom: pyoq for dog, due to being smaller than a pony.

Physical Appearance

Due to its long legs, Thoatherium resembled a tiny pony and was a quick runner. Thoatherium only had one hoof that resembled a horse, and its toes were noticeably shortened. Even the splint bones, which are the remains of the second and fourth toes in contemporary horses, were absent from Thoatherium.


They will jump 3 times, stop for a few seconds, and continue jumping. While they are stopped, they can be heatbutted easily.


They will often run around in areas, commonly in groups of six or nine. Very curious to Yanomami tribes or Mestizos and Celts, their meat joints are used in medicine and are said to cure some severe diseases.


Thoatherium is a shy animal and fled along with their herd and ran away. Thoatherium may attack motionless survivors or creatures for no reason.

Distribution and Habitat

In the Miocene, Thoatherium have been discovered in Argentina's Santa Cruz Formation and other surrounding nations.


Thoatherium was fed using grasses or wheat to tame harmless.


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Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents - Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - Individuals


Foreign Languages

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