
Malicomuriasauria violentios


The dreaded, nomadic Deviljho have no specific territory of their own. Their muscles swell if provoked, revealing old wounds. Needing to feed constantly due to high body heat, they can hunt nearby animals to extinction.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Clade: Theropoda

Order: Ctinosaurodia

Family: Malicomuriasauridae

Genius: Malicomuriasauria

Species: Malicomuriasauria violentios

Descendant: Abiorugu's ancestor

Named by: ???

Year Published: 2027

Size: 16.m tall in height; 27.56 m in length; 795.34 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🥓

Elements: Chaos

Inflicts: Chaosblight, acidblight, fireblight (on lava terrains), iceblight (on icy terrains), electricblight (on fulgurite terrains), waterblight (on water terrains), rockblight (on sandy terrains), leafblight (on mossy terrains), mudblight (on muddy terrains), bloodblight (on fleshy terrains), bushiguium effect (On effluvium gas terrains)

Weaknesses: Electric, fae, aether, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Deviljho ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Deviljho (Malicomuriasauria violentios) is the fictional species of theropod introduced in Monster Hunter 3.


Deviljho has the unofficial nickname “Pickle,” both in game and off, because it's body shape, massive size, and green coloration gives it the slight look of a pickle.

Physical Appearance

Deviljho is a very large, bipedal Brute Wyvern characterized by its uniform forest green coloration and muscular upper body. Its thick hide is littered with short, jagged spines that reach a maximum height along the back and tail. Deviljho has a narrow snout with a large lower jaw, covered in multiple rows of teeth spreading outwards from the mouth. It has massive, powerful hind legs, but tiny, poorly developed forelegs that it rarely utilizes. When enraged, Deviljho's back and shoulder muscles swell considerably revealing scars. During this period, areas of its skin will take on a bright red coloration.


Deviljho is armed with a powerful set of jaws that it can use to deliver bone-crunching bites to prey and foe alike. Deviljho can also use its jaws to pick up prey and toss it around. It can also throw rocks at hunters using its jaw. In addition, its powerful hind legs allow it to run at relatively high speed and leap considerable distances towards prey. When enraged, Deviljho is capable of producing a mysterious clouded emission that can be shot out of the mouth in a stream at prey. This substance contains the Chaos Element (a dark energy with dark side of the force) and can be very deadly to humans as well as all creatures are weakened by an evil force. Deviljho wasn't affected by lift force, but weakened by Sith lightning attacks and vibranium weapons.

Deviljho performs a Chaotic Breath attack at a 180 degree angle sweep from right to left. The only safe spots during this attack are, near its tail or underneath Deviljho. If a player finds itself within the range of the breath, the best options are to block with a shield, or panic dive away. It is possible to evade this attack by rolling but it's unsafe to do so unless the timing is spot-on. The Chaotic Breath attack has extended reach from 30 m/129 ft up to 35 m/140 ft.

Deviljho can leap at a hunter and pin them down, before attempting to devour them. Each bite will cause a significant amount of damage, until the player is able to break free or throw a Dung Bomb. Another hunter who is not pinned can throw a dung bomb for the same effect. If the Deviljho is exhausted, it will recover stamina and inflict Defense Down on the pinned Hunter due to its corrosive saliva.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


An infamous nomadic predator, Deviljho has long been known as the "eater of worlds" and the "great devourer". They are constantly in search of prey, most often herbivores and lesser predators. Whether be it in the Old or New World, Deviljho will almost always enforce itself as the most dominant apex predator of any environment and locale it is found in.

They will dominate said environment they are currently in and can cause massive destruction to the ecosystem, similar to Elder Dragons. Long ago healed gashes throughout it's body reveals that it constantly engages in fights and turf wars with other powerful monsters. Top predators such as Rathalos, Legiana, Zinogre and even the aggressive herbivore Diablos will engage in fights if the brute wyvern is attacking. However it will usually end with Deviljho on top and the others forced to retreat. Occasionally, even these monsters will fall yet another victim to Deviljho's constant hunger.

As an Elder Dragon-Level Monster, Deviljho seldom face competition. Its large size and highly aggressive behavior is enough to deter most other monsters. However, there are said few that are capable of rivaling and on rare occasions, forcing the brute wyvern to retreat. Bazelgeuse, a flying wyvern of rivaling power and unique biology allows it to compete with Deviljho in the New World, Akantor and Ukanlos, flying wyverns on par with Elder Dragons and of course the Elder Dragons themselves, which perhaps are the only monsters capable of undermining Deviljho. Deviljho also have to compete with Rajang, whose power and aggression may even outrival the brute wyvern. Their nomadic and highly aggressive behavior may suggest that they will encounter each other on occasion and face off with one another.

Deviljho were once just seen inhabiting every environment found in the Old World but now Deviljho can be found living everywhere in the world. Some of the areas they've been seen living in include the Deserted Island, Flooded Forest, Tundra, Sandy Plains, Volcano (3rd), Misty Peaks, Ancestral Steppe, Sunken Hollow, Volcanic Hollow, Frozen Seaway, Heaven's Mount, Primal Forest, Everwood, Dunes, Jurassic Frontier, Ruined Pinnacle, Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale and the Elder's Recess.

Deviljho are endowed with heavy, powerful muscles, giving them the strength to overpower their prey. Their mouths are filled with rows upon rows of sharp, jagged teeth. This allows the beast to tear flesh from a victim with ease. This feature also allows them to attack from a distance, using their giant lower jaw as a crude shovel, they can fling boulder-sized clumps of earth at their quarry. Their eyes are small and simple, suggesting their vision is rather poor, but their other senses such as smell may compensate for this. Their tails are long and powerful, but their main feature of note is its breath attack. At will they can breathe from their mouths a stream of a mysterious energy known as dragon. If their muscles swell, the skin will be stretched out to reveal the less flexible and tougher fibrous tissues that lie underneath the upper layer of skin, opened up by old scars.

When enraged, almost all of their muscles swell and they become both faster and stronger. At this point, old battle scars become visible on the outer membrane of their skin. During this time, the muscles (now swollen) are tougher than they would be otherwise, but the underside of their stomachs become more vulnerable to attack.

The sheer power of the Deviljho is displayed in World, as it is shown grabbing certain monsters with it's massive jaws and flailing them around as if they were mere dolls. It's even capable of holding them steadily even as they struggle and will deal damage to them while trying to smash a hunter. They can even fling them across the ground like skipping a stone across water. They can even lift the incredibly heavy and sizable Diablos in a pile driver like attack. Their power is currently only matched by Bazelgeuse whose unique biology and rather impressive strength prevent them from being overwhelmed by the Deviljho's considerable power.


Deviljho is a nomadic monster, prone to wandering vast distances in search of prey. Its status as a super-predator allows it to overtake the territory of any monster that stands in its path. Because of the extreme amount of energy its body consumes, Deviljho is always in search of food sources. It is known to be cannibalistic, and is also prone to eating prey alive in order to waste as little time as possible in replenishing its energy.

Distribution and Habitat

Deviljho were once just seen inhabiting every environment found in the Old World but now Deviljho can be found living everywhere in the world. Some of the areas they've been seen living in include the Deserted Island, Flooded Forest, Tundra, Sandy Plains, Volcano (3rd), Misty Peaks, Ancestral Steppe, Sunken Hollow, Volcanic Hollow, Frozen Seaway, Heaven's Mount, Primal Forest, Everwood, Dunes, Jurassic Frontier,Ruined Ridge, Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale and the Elder's Recess.

Because of its nomadic nature, Deviljho is known to inhabit a wide variety of environments and biomes, including abandoned civilization, and has even been seen as far as the New World. Its presence is often disruptive to the natural ecosystem.


Coming soon


Deviljho was native in many isles and islets in single country in Sawintir to prevent widespread all over the world in Sawintir. Some individuals are under the Sith Lord against the enemies in Delphia planet for Sith.

Unfortunately, this animal was now widespread and dominate worldwide ranging from Sawintir, Delphia and Earth in modern times by terrorist groups from Iraq. Which are descendants of Akkadians warn against Sunni Islam and Isis group for Shia Islam and Order of Assassin, which are first assassin incarnation to Cain from Seth and Abel.

Known Individuals


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
