
Xenodelphis delphica


“ A larger true animal in Delphian without any regard to humans. The humanoids likeDelphians associate with them are dolphins in manners for beauty purposes. ”

unknown author in Delphia

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Xenophyra

Kingdom: Delphinozoota

Phylum: Chuardota

Class: Delphinomammalia

Order: Xenocetacea

Family: Xenodelphinidae

Genius: Xenodelphinus

Species: Xenodelphinus delphica

Descendant: ???

Named by: Ramon Inzlaer Ciobanu

Year Published: 2785

Size: 8.7 m in length; 5.2 m tall in height; 340 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Arcane, aether

Inflicts: Gnashed, aethered

Weaknesses: Dark, sound, time, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: Dolphin from Minecraft, Astrodelphis from Ark Survival Evolved

Conservation Status: 

Delphian Space Dolphin, Khaliatorra, or Thatrolleua (Xenodelphis delphica; Delphian: Çatrollw'é; Thullyn: Kchaljatora; Delphian Creole: Çatrollua) is the fictional extraterrestrials introduced in the upcoming story of Rewritten.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Dolphins from both Ark Survival Evolved and Minecraft served as the inspiration for Khaliatorra. Khaliatorra had four tailfins with a lethal stinger at the end, grayish indigo plates, and grayish white belly scales, giving it a dolphin-like appearance. This animal exudes bioluminescent waves from dead bioluminescent bacterial cells, and it has markings on its body, eyes, and flippers. Thatrolleua had ram-eyes and blue-green eyes. This extraterrestrial leaves an astral energy trail.


Khaliatorra injects, and the enemy can flip back using the stinger, causing hallucinations and corrosion poison. Like dolphins, if one of the animals is hit by another creature or survivor, the whole pod retaliates, attacking all at once and injecting disinfectant hallucinations.


Coming soon


Unlike its predecessor and like other dolphins and ichthyosaurs, Khaliatorras are a very curious species and will often "swim" towards you and around you out of curiosity. However, if it gets too close, it will repeatedly bite at you.

Distribution and Habitat

Khaliatorra was native to the skies above Delphia, and it is very elusive to humans and Delphians alike. Prior to colonization, likely endangered Delphian Space Dolphins were abundant, caused by tame Delphian this animal as a riding animal as warfare animals against outsiders.


To tame an Khaliatorra, you must pet it several times, feed it Delphian Starberry, and then repeat.


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2021 Version

2023 Remodeled

Foreign Languages

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