“ When the world is cruel, this is not free. On gloomy days, the rooster pokes with a scythe at the footstep and dares many people to die in hell. Lucifer never disturbs this rooster until he hates the chicken of Spain under the Death and doesn't do anything. ”
– Eostre
Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Genus: Mortagallus
Species: Mortagallus hispanica
Descendant: chickens
Named by: ???
Year Published: ???
Size: 7.3 meters tall in height: 12.34 meters in length; wingspan estimated to 119 meters in length; 100 kilograms in weight
Lifespan: 6 to 30+ years
Reptiles (Archosaurs)
Birds (Chickens)
Rooster of the Death (official)
Death Bringer
Second Horatian Dark Elemental (in Reinachos)
Chicken Gangbanging
Kliron-tano (by ancient Saurfolks)
Pantheon: Spanish
Time Period: Holocene
Alignment: Bad
Threat Level: ★★★★★
Diet: Omnivorous
Elements: Dark
Inflicts: Darkened
Weaknesses: Earth, electric, fae, light, chaos
countless terrorist group in Eastern portion of Horatio continent (Pre-Morrison)
Based On: itself
Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List
Muertagallo or Gallo de la Muerte (Mortagallus hispanica) is one of the mythical creatures that was upcoming introduced in Worldcraft: My Last Blessings.
Muertagallo is the compound word from Spanish: muerta and gallo, which means "death rooster".
Physical Appearance
Muertagallo is a distinct theropod that undergoes more metamorphosis than others. Their chick was worm-like, with very short wings and legs and elongated like a worm, but as the evolution process progressed, the skin color of the worm form changed from green to dark purple feathers. Gallo de la Muerte has black plumage and a white comb with blue and reddish spots, as well as tail feathers that are purplish and greenish dark.
Their eye color is white looks actually blind, but there is better sight than most chickens. Muertagallo have two elongated bioluminescent feathers in the head near the ears. Unlike their ancestor, Muertagallo have a raptor style sickle finger used as a weapon and defense.
Anyone who hears its whining, screaming quiquiriquí (an onomatopoeia word for this Borona) is doomed to die the next day. Gallo de la Muerte breathes strong dark energy containing blindness and darkness upon hitted. Using their wings to release dark clouds causes horror from these feathers and pinions. Like jungle fowls, Gallo de la Muerte can fly but limited to their flight than in the canopy and in the anywhere without forests either deforestation or in deserts to polars at night have excellent sight thanks to their night vision than other man-made. During the eclipse, Muertagallo clucks and roars like a dinosaur breaths a dark energy with enhanced explodes and releases black smoke that's a bad smell.
Weather Phenomenon
Black Smog
The most difficulties for Muertagallo are very hard to this ecological niche, that the nuns know. The only remedy for this death sentence is a particular herb that grows among the mountain apple trees from the start of spring till the month of May from the Muertagallo's feces which transport a lot of dark energy to the plant which makes decay and is very poisonous. This herb is blue and has black roots when touched like a poison arrow frog, it might be blindness. The remedy involves boiling this herb in rosemary water and praying over the concoction before it is imbibed into a Night Vision.
Muertagallo hunts everything considered as carnivorous dinosaur soars in the forests or without forests during the midnight. Uses their intelligence and their sickle claws for hunting, because when achieved, a predatory bird hates everything including humans and other races. Like their ancestor, Muertagallo cocks during the dawn but is bad luck, when doomed some people the next day bring death of any fauna and people cause of their revenge, act of their ecological balance. The natural predators of Muertagallo are Shug Monkey; Y Ddraig Goch; Wuchowsen; Mothsol; Con Rit; Millalobo; Luison; Radachalog; and other larger animals and Elder Dragons against the Death Rooster.
Muertagallo's behavior is very curious, but is actually aggressive towards everything including humans and all Elder Dragons made them a single nightmare and death.
Distribution and Habitat
Muertagallo is an endemic species that originated in Spain. In the Worldcraft series, a princess from Jorelavo who was reincarnated as a Berbanian princess was found on Planet Reinachos, which Dark elves considered to be a Dark Elemental. Due to conflict between those who are the original dark elemental, Muertagallo and Luison coexist in the same habitat in the deep forest of Reinachos' Corazones Labyrinth Forest.
Movement Pattern: Random
Individual Type: Solo
Population Trend: Unspecific
Population: 450–900
Locomotion: Airborne
Habitat: All
Earth: Andorra; France; Monaco; Portugal; Spain
Reinachos: Ascunsia; Nueva Joaquin
Coming soon
Bereshit - 300,000–70,000 BCE
The kite birds near them in the gorse build a nest where they lay a crimson egg once every hundred years. A black and white bird with an exact lifespan of fifty years hatches from this egg. It is larger than a chicken. When an animal dies, a green worm emerges from its rotting body. This worm develops into a black rooster with a tall beak, a white crest, and black dots dotting its body. The death rooster is the name given to this creature. The Project Pashneia's first success was achieved when the deity scientists, named Phanes and Eostre successfully manipulated the DNA of a pre-existing species to force a rapid evolution into a form more suitable for Muertagallo or Klron-tano.
2019 drawing (brighter version)
2019 drawing (normal)
Fire: Fiery Serpents (Gochdraig/Saffirdraig)
Water: Leviathan (Cadborosaurus)
Air: Ziz (Wuchowsen)
Earth: Kuyutha (Behemoth)
Light: Seraphim (Mothra)
Dark: Dybbuk/Broxa (Muertagallo/Luison)
Nature: Methuselah Tree (Onodrim)
Ice: Jophiel (Simurgh)
Aether: Sarkosi (Dymphna)
Chaos: Alyerradzar (Lilith)
Main Theme Music
Capcom: Unknown Black Fox (from MHFG) -
Foreign Languages
Coming soon
Coming soon