Common Yarokitesha

Dracoxenara heptachroma

Common Yarokitesha

“ The true feral and resolved beast is a wyvern-like alien that lives on the beautiful floating islands of the planet Berbania's Hirojafza continent. As a result, it perceives seven voices and a multitude of colors. ”

Dominic Amalawa

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Berbanuryota

Kingdom: Berbanozoota

Phylum: Hiravachordata

Class: Berbanaves

Order: Psittacoxenia

Family: Xenaranidae

Genius: Dracoxenara

Species: Dracoxenara heptachroma

Descendant: Berbanian parrots

Named by: Gilberto James

Year Published: 2800

Size: 13.4 meters tall in height, 45.0 meters length in wingspan, 34.5 meters in length including tail, 5,000 kilogram in weight




Time Period: Pliocene to Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air

Inflicts: Airblight


TROQA (Pre-Morrison)

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Near Threatened (NT) – IUCN Red List

Yarokitesha or Common Yarokitesha (Dracoxenara heptachroma), is the fictional species of psittacine extraterrestrial and a minor characters introduced in Worldcraft: Legacy of African Rivers.


Yarokitesha is the combination of words between Jaroe (Anglicized: Yarro) meaning "sin", Parikit (loanword means parakeet) meaning "parrot", and deśah (Anglicized: ‘deshah’, [IPA: /deˈʂah/]) meaning "native". Despite the name of the sin, because of the lack of any superstitions, these animals lack any related curses of sin.

Physical Appearance

Yarokitesha was the most colorful indigenous extraterrestrial species in the Earth Responsibly universe; there is an example of the convergent evolution of parrots and wyverns from the Earth altogether. Yarokitesha have three fingers in their forelimbs, while the hindlimbs are actually zygodactyl, posing like a lion waiting for the pouch and poke. According to the scientist, the biochemistry of their muscle tissue allows them to generate nearly twice the force per pound of muscle as terrestrial flying animals such as bats and birds, which makes Yarokitesha weaken their muscles for flight.

Their feathers are actually appendages resembling real feathers on the wings of a yarokitesha. They are shaped like a mixture of a Terran bird and a bat's wings on the elbow, which gives momentum to the weight. Their colors are various: red, blue, green, yellow, red, purple, brown, indigo, magenta, cyan, white, peach, gray, or mixed colors, matching the tiger's stripes used for camouflage and dating for mating. Like most Berbania's extraterrestrials, Yarokitesha's eyes are actually two pairs of hazel eyes.

Each color has bioluminescent markings on their feathers and non-dark stripes. Each sexual dimorphism of Yarokitesha is from the eyes, beaks, and stripes (males have stripes while the female lacks stripes).


Yarokitesha, unlike their modern descendant Alarikitesha, lacks roaring powers. Breaths gust from their mouth or wings out of gills increase from the qi. Like their modern descendants, they lack mana energy.


Yarokitesha is in the middle of the food chain and eats both plants and animals for its diet. Like real-life parrots, they have their own intelligence that leads to the majority of Dermochlory's intelligence.

Considered an ambush predator, he hunts any variety of animals, monsters, and extraterrestrials when low in diet. Like parrots, then when living in the group against the predators on the clay hills. Unlike most other creatures in Berbania, they have only four limbs, the forelimbs of which are modified into wings (unlike their cousin, the Scarlet Shadow of Hirojafza), which might suggest a life mainly in flight through the gills and qi altogether, only landing to feed their young.

The wings have a claw or three fingers that are used to cling on to cliffs and "walk" on flat ground, using the talons on both front and hind wings to clamber along, similar to an earth bat, pterodactyl, or tiger. All in all, they are not as agile on the ground as in the air without any situation.

Besides the seven combinations of the terran tiger, parrot, dragon, pterodactyl, chameleon, bat, and opossum called by princesses, they are also called Siete Pecados de Colores or Sept Péchés de Couleurs in Spanish and French. Due to their sins, however, it does not have a trachea in its neck as it has six gills since it breathes directly into the chest cavity. Instead, it has a tube running from the lungs up into the head that pumps air through the vocal organ, the syrinx.

Leads the chambers on the head amplify the sound before it is emitted into the mouth cavity for directional aiming causes of seven vocal songs from Yarokitesha: melody, sweet, soprano, saxophone, violin, harmonica, and rap. These vocalizations are emitted directly from the resonating cavity when the mouth is closed.


Yarokitesha won't attack any attackers on sight but will attack them if it feels threatened by them.

Distribution and Habitat

Common Yarokitesha was found everywhere in Hirojafza and Southern Thirenha, the only species that lived in Dirthsaho on the Berbania planet.


Yarokitesha was exceedingly challenging to subdue because of their unique approach to dealing with extraterrestrials. A bond aura that enables aliens and riders to fly with apparent ease is accessible to Berbanians through yarokitesha connections.

In actuality, they enjoy eating fungus cacti. In grottoes and outcrops on the sheer cliff sides of Mons Reymundo in Elengora at Asuncion River, in Hirojafza deltas, is the greatest Yarokitesha rookery, which has the largest specimens (and is therefore the best to tame for riding this animal).




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