
Novezota vishnuii


“ An mysterious and elusive hybrid made of the nine sacred species as an avatar to Vishnu. By the way, he confronts the bravest people who will valor bowing down in their head and give the lotus flower for you. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Superclass: Tetrapoda

Genius: Novezota

Species: Novezota vishnuii

Descendant: (Gallus sonneratii × Pavo cristatus × Panthera tigris × Homo sapiens × Elephas maximus × Equus caballus × Bos primigenius indicus × Panthera leo × Trimeresurus stejnegeri)

Named by: Raj Ramos

Year Published: 1999

Size: 5.0 meters tall in height, 22.5 meters in length, 10,000 kg in weight



Pantheon: Hindu

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Arcane, light

Inflicts: Bursted, bleeding, slowness, blindness, stun

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Data Deficient

Navagunjara (Novezota vishnuii; IPA: /nɑvəːɡʌːnˈdʒɑˌrə/) is a one of the mythical creatures that is appears in Mahabharata story, and confirm and introduced in Worldcraft Generations: Snegurochka / Life for Bogatyr and Mahabharata.

One of the hybridized guardian monsters including Children of Queen Ana (Romani), and Zmey Gorynych (Russian).


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Physical Appearance

Navagunjara is a perfect hybrid made up of components from nine different species. The animal components include: a gray Junglefowl's head, an Indian Peafowl's neck, a zebu's hunch, an Asian elephant's left hand, a human's right hand, a horse's left foot, a tiger's left foot, a horse's right foot, a lion's torso, and even a hybridized form with a bamboo pit viper's tail and head.


If Navagunjara is not respected you, this species their movements and their behavior is like a lion or tiger, grappling like human if holding you, stamped like an elephant, kicked like a horse, speed and agility of the tiger, doesn't been eaten when the hump as functional as camel like zebus, the snake's head is functional when the viper started to attack drove so fast as lightning. Navagunjara is infertility hermaphrodite (also called intersexuality) who does not require a mate to produce offspring and in fact cannot produce their species, easily becoming extinct.


Weather Phenomenon

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Navagunjara was created by Vishnu via Jupiter/Zeus as well, considering that it is a genetic engineering species. Unlike most species and hybrids, the confirmed Elder Dragon Level Monsters (type of non elder dragon is an alternative to their standard guardians). When a person was killed, the ancient Indian artifact seized and changed the next person it touched into the Navagunjara.


In India, Vishnu created the Navagunjara hybrid, which is generally peaceful and tolerant of different races and humans. In the past, people respected it as the Kingdom's defender and judge of evildoers. By extension, Navagunjara is fairly intelligent, as seen by its deft use of its various limbs and its apparent understanding of emotions like gratitude or anger. It can still be fiercely territorial, though, and if provoked enough, Navagunjara won't think twice about responding with unrelenting ferocity and lethal power.

Distribution and Habitat

Navagunjara was located on the Indian subcontinent in Planet Earth and the Ulatadesh Recreational Laboratory in Ulatadesh, Chiosathra in Planet Berbania by Professor Alesha Viljarea.


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Bereshit - 300,000-10,000 BCE

Stories of this kind of creature originated from a specific category of hybrid animals developed by Aesir biologists as an aspect of Project Pashnea in what is now New Delhi, India, and surrounding areas during 300k BCE named Bereshit. In touch via the Orb of Indolence or Alasy-ka-Gola, legendary Terran Ancient Artifact created by Hermes/Mercury long ago until the angel Gabriel used it, Navangunjara, a former human, was transformed into this being.

Vishnu and Lakshmi built the Navagunjara as part of Project Pashnea in the Aesir metropolis of Svarga, which is now New Delhi, India, during the Pleistocene era. Along with the other creatures in the project, Navagunjara was viewed as a tool to terrorize both humans and other animals and monsters in the event that they ever rose up against their makers.

Known Individuals


See also: none

Foreign Languages
