Abyssal Rudiosay

Chlamydora vathothalassos

Abyssal Rudiosay

On the deep ocean without notice it, the amphibian became a fighter to challenge without in land. At the midnight because of it, the salamander came to fight at full moon. In the day only in deep ocean without sunlight, due to the smarter than salamanders?

– unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Urodela

Suboroder: Salamandroidea

Family: Chlamydouridae

Genius: Chlamydoura

Species: Chlamydoura vathothalassos

Descendant: Salamanders

Generic Name: Avalonian frilled tail

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 5.5 meters long in length; 1.5 meters tall in weight; 340 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Oligocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Known Individual(s): others

Affiliates: others

Allies: ???

Enemies: Surstaydum, others

Elements: Water, light

Inflicts: Bleeding, waterblight, lightblight, blindness

Weaknesses: Leaf, electric, sound

Casualties: ???

Based On: Frilled sharks

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

The Abyssal Rudyosaj or Abyssal Rudiosay (Chlamydoura vathothalassos) is the fictional species of ocean salamander upcoming introduced in Weather Dragons.

Abyssal Rudyosaj is not a subspecies, rather be separated species in deep ocean worldwide in Sawintir planet, far away from Earth as Alfheim.


coming soon


Abyssal Rudyosaj is a frilled shark-like amphibian relative of normal Rudiosay, the same as the convergent evolution of the frilled shark. long torso, blackish gray to indigo skin color, gray belly, blue eyes, a fish-like dorsal fin near the tail, webbed feet, a set of frilled gills for breathing, and a dark red blood color. Abyssal Rudyosaj's bioluminescent color marks are lavender.


Same attacks and abilities as normal Rudyosaj. It can fire light and fae blasts from its mouth that send pulses of bio-light everywhere, unlike their relatives. In the water area, Abyssal variant brethren shoot the water blast with spinning of somewhere hit on impact to create underwater whirlpools that can disorient survivors and organisms and set them up for a devastating blow. Due to their jagged edge sets of teeth through the wind of water.

Due to the lack of underwater combat so far, Abyssal Rudyosaj is usually fought on land. shoots a bio-light ball three times. Also jumps back before shooting a water tornado ball to turn the waterspout up to 2.1 seconds until it fades away. Abyssal Rudyosaj can swim through land on the surface and poke any enemy beneath the surface.


Abyssal Rudyosaj's ecology was very uncertain for Earthling scientists. Many reports indicate that this animal was an apex predator in the same areas where this animal was eaten. Abyssal Rudyosaj eats deep-sea animals like anglerfish and plankton due to unusual teeth that were combined from hunting or filtering. The predators of this animal ranged from unknown creatures to elder dragons. Using the ability to self-defense


Abyssal Rudyosaj is very aggressive towards everything. When low on stamina, it will fail to perform its bio-light attack. It has no natural means of recovering stamina and has become pacified and a threat to the oceanic trenches or isolated new volcanic island, making it unhabitable for civilization.

Because traps and other structures, including bombs, cannot be set underwater, they cannot be captured and are useless, much like Elder Dragons.

Distribution and Habitat

As its name suggests, it has been almost exclusively sighted in extremely deep and remote areas of the ocean. On very rare occasions, however, it can be seen on dry land or the back of an animal as an ectoparasite.


Abyssal Rudyosaj was shot to make them unconscious, fed to them while they were unconscious, and then constantly overdosed on drugs. Because the survivor remains inside the 15 radii of a hatching egg, Abyssal Rudyosajes are tamed as soon as they emerge from an egg. You can train Abyssal Rudyosaj with a whip, worms, any meat, seaweed-wrapped fish meat, or fish eggs if it hasn't already been trained.

