Florence Katru

Florence Katru

“ Where the mighty protector is here for my blossoms. ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: 

Other Names: Flora

Born: May 6, 3004

Species: Berbanian Half Elf

Nationality: Paaskekhadian

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Religion: Theravada Buddhism

Language Spoken: English, Spanish, French, Ilocano, Portuguese, Romanian, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Urdu, Russian, Ukrainian, Paaskekhadian, Luzhoran, Paaskekhadian Creole

Alignment: Good


Powers and Abilities: Plant element magic

Partner(s): Franco Canidrashekar (husband)

Relative(s): Thaman Katru (father); Gauri Shaviroh Katru (mother); Darcy (sister); Dion (cousin-once-remove-in-law)


Likes: Plants, forests, dance, flowers, bamboos, roots, farming, animals, Franco, resolving, advocates, healing, spores, gentleness, Archie, Isabella, Mowgli

Dislikes: Bernandine, eco-terrorist, destroy her home, threatened her and husband as monster, crystals (formerly), epidemic, diseases, depression, tantrum

Inspiration: Esmeralda and Belerick from Mobile Legends, Arwen from Tolkien; Poison Ivy from DC Films

Flora Katru is the one of the main protagonist introduced in Worldcraft: Flora and the Plants and later as minor character role in later series.


Katru from Old Luzhoran language means "marijuana" or "chili pepper" because despite the name, they are not born immune to spiciest in their taste buds and in Scoville scales rather than an inherit, and now means "horseradish" via anglicization.

Physical Appearance

Flora is the Sindhi-Belarusian lady resembles Stephanie Dioreshun, with pale brown-pink skin with vine marks on her right arm, red lips, rosy cheeks, pale pinkish nails, and even have green hair (familiar to Franco’s orange hair, natural born of her hair was black like Indians).

Flora wears the adore plant-based dress like a queen. Due to the nature appearances, green wrapped off-the-shoulder sleeves, long daisy-made opera gloves matching her outfit with vine bracelets, green corset with yellow edges on the sleeves and petticoat and three green leaves behind the sleeves. She has leaf hemlines and lime long petticoats with green shorts, green stockings and green sandals made of vines and wood.


Flora was born with magical powers from nature, she was the only family Katru had magic. She breaths spores, or controls vines or even man-made plant made like strings as a whip weapon or barks or rattans into a sword, to candlenuts as a bombs. Sometimes, Flora was only known to have sleep breath from the Sleeping Orchids (fictional plants) creating sleeping spores against attackers. When Franco and Flora combined their magical powers comes into the one; the arson (secondary classical elements of fire and nature) with her vines as a whip weapon ignites fire with oxygen release to fuel as unharmful and turn her hair color to green yellow due to fusion of the dual elements.

The only nature elemental confirmed by Isabella (Morrison) of Great Britain and Archie (Buenaventura) of Ireland. She now has currently used natural magical powers like spores, vines, twigs, to command fungus to viruses under her own allies.


Before Confucianism was brought to the planet Hirawhassa by either Dermochlories or James the Great, Flora employed a weapon known as Buryamvardhill (Telugu: బుర్యమ్వర్ధిల్ల్; Cyrillic: Бурямвардхалл), which is a prehistoric halberd. An enormous plant-like organism was adhered to the weapon and coated it. When Flora thrusts her spear toward the target, it deals spores that stick to opponents in a line and temporarily stuns the first enemy struck.

Buryamvardhill is the portmanteau between Ukrainian бур'ян (buryan) and Telugu వర్ధిల్లు (Vardhillu) for "weed bloom," and it is the Hirawhassan equivalent of Terran Aesir's devices in the Pleistocene, as a result of unorthodox manners and convergent evolution.

Once Flora hits an enemy, she can quickly reapply this ability to dash a certain distance toward her objective or until she strikes another enemy or creature. When an enemy is close, she can use her lance to deal leafblight. Flora may also shoot, launch a ball of energy in the direction of her opponent, and detonate when she hits them. This gives opponents close by a leaf-blight injury, temporarily dazing them and revealing their positions.


Flora was a short-tempered and lovely character beside Franco to Miller. Even the children from their neighbors were called duchess, because she was not from the royal family or duchy rather than the presidential clan. When she grew up in a tropical rainforest, Flora was careful and wide-eyed to see that people needed permission.


She was the lost senator, now empress in her own area known as Katru's Throne, named after her family but she was cursed by Mayari to Shiva, however she was successful hater against Bernandine's terrorist group who ones to dispatch her to demise.


Chronological Appears


Two Lights

Equation the Series


Weather Dragons

No Way to Seaway

Independent Series


