
Nuevozotoceros argentinica


“ The deer moved out of the way because they were the pampas' leaders. These antlers were used as spears, and the teeth were sharper than stakes. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Cervidae

Subfamily: Capreolinae

Genius: Nuevozotoceros

Species: Nuevozotoceros argentinica

Descendant: Pampas deer

Named by: Miquel del Jésus

Year Published: 1986

Size: 1.2 m tall in height; 40 cm in lenght; 80 kg in weight

Lifespan: 15 years




Time Period: PleistoceneHolocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Herbivorous, partially coprophagy 🌿🍇🌸💩

Elements: Dark

Inflicts: Darkblight, stunned

Weaknesses: Fire, metal, air, combat, light

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

Siehnam (Nuevozotoceros argentinica) is the one of the mythical creatures and guardians introduced in Weather Dragons: Siehnam vs Against the Odds.


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Physical Appearance

Siehnam is the enlarged version of pampas deer, which is a descendant of the pampas deer also. Siehnam have dark tan fur, lighter on their undersides and insides of legs. Their coats do not change with the seasons. They have white spots above their lips and don't have white patches on their throats.

Their tails are long and flowing in chocolate colored, including pufflegs in hands and feet with chocolate colored stockings markings, 29 cm to 45 cm long, and when they run, they lift their tail to reveal a white patch, just like white-tailed deer and mule deer. Males have big, lightweight antlers that are 4-pronged, which go through a yearly cycle of shedding in August or September, with a new grown set by December like pampas deer.


Siehnam is enraged and releases dark magic and dark matter on their feet. If the female is killed for their sacrifice and safe for their baby and mate, turning her eyes red results in revenge. Make Siehnam's horns sharper than other swords, and the canine teeth will be able to make a weapon for biting to make it worse. However, Siehnam walks their dark pad magic as they can be "flying" around to "walk" in the midair.



Groups are not separated by gender, and bucks will drift between groups. There are usually only 2–10 deer in a group, but there can be many more in good feeding areas. They do not have monogamous pairs, nor are there harems. When they feel they may be in danger, they hide low in the foliage and hold, and then bound off about 100–200 meters, often looking back at the disturbance. Siehnam are active in endurance, so only their defense will be affected. Females with a fawn will fake a limp to distract a predator or if they are unsure of a situation, such as if a human appears to others.


The male Siehnam initiates courtship with a low stretch. He makes a soft buzzing sound. He nuzzles the female, may flick his tongue at her, and averts his eyes from flirting. He stays near her and may follow her for a long time, smelling her saliva from other male fruits. Sometimes the female responds to courtship by marriage style on the ground to propose to kiss, unlike humans.

Distribution and Habitat

Siehnam was located in the Pampas region of South America. Since a robust population of dark-element deer indicates fertile farms and grasslands, many people are worried about this loss. A healthy grassland is also home to several species, some of which are endangered.


Siehnam was the fiercest of all guardians, and no one took it; however, a Siehnam's trust can be slowly earned. If a person helps a Siehnam or saves its life, the deer will return the favor and will from then on be a friend and now domesticated, as one of the lost dossiers from Ostara.


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Known Individuals

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Foreign Languages

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