
Megalovultur brontophilos


A bird has thunder or lightning in its wings without noticing it. Glows their feathers like a star, but on a stormy day, they don't.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Cathartiformes

Family: Vulturidae

Genius: Megalovultur

Species: Megalovultur brontophilos

Descendant: condors

Named by: Joaquin Peters

Year Published: 1903

Size: 4.5 meters tall in height; wingspan estimate to 34.5 meters in length; mass weight is 450 kilograms

Lifespan: 60 to 65 years




Time Period: PlioceneHolocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Air, electric

Inflicts: Electrified, paralysis

Weaknesses: Rock (50% immune), ice, light, sound


Based On: itself, Zapdos

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

Thunderbird (Megalovultur brontophilos) is the one of the mythical creature and guardian introduced in Worldcraft Series: Scorched Earth and Dreams Come True.


Because of their name was called Thunderbird, their wings flapped and creates roaring of thunderstorms.

Physical Appearance

Thunderbirds are related to teratorns, other than condors. It is easily identifiable by a dark yellow feather on the wings and the bioluminescence on each feathers, however this "gem" like organ on collar bone, and on eyes, which is a special organ glows and restores electricity like electric eels. All feathers are natural electric conductors and adhered by copper or other materials for electric conduction, from tuff neck, spines, feathers, pinions, and light feathers are also conductors. Their skin color was pale skin; grayish black in their feet and legs; and dark sapphire crowned on the forehead matched with conductor spines. The beak color was pale yellowish gray and vulturine. The eye color of Thunderbird is blue eyes.


Thunderbird discharges the electric magical powers if threatened by a war or predators. However, it is very connected with the navigation system and the magnetic field for the direction and creates the point of destination like a GPS which is a natural navigator. Their thunder organ discharges random electric attacks.



Thunderbird was weakened by the exhaust and overuse of electrical attacks, caused by the ran out of stamina. Failing to use electric element attacks.

Weather Phenomenon


Thunderbird was a top predator in the world, and a migratory bird. Thunderbird hunts amount of voles; prairie dogs; prairie chickens; grouses; weasels; coypus; sloths; armadillos; frogs; eels; salamanders; caecilians; guppies; monkeys; pronghorns; rabbits; pikas; and even opossums. However, some individuals much like vultures than condors are scavengers, and ate rotten meat.

Thunderbirds are opportunistic and skilled creatures from the above, it creates and initiates discharged electric or reshaped to form thunderstorms. Above the unpleasant season due to being a living natural disaster in the case of natural selection.


Thunderbirds are very territorial towards all in their nest. Curious what Thunderbird are neutral and peaceful to all until provoked from attackers with the electric.

Distribution and Habitat

Thunderbird was despite native in the desert, now in the temperate forest and temperate grassland ecosystem, migrated to the tropical desert and cold deserts worldwide for mating. Thunderbird was located in North America: Canada, United States and Mexico, but rarely in Honduras or Caribbean islands as migratory species.


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