
“ I scent of blood, feels better pressure to bite. ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: 

Other Names: Sebek




Nationality: Egyptian

Age: 4999 (immortal)

Gender: Male


Religion: Irreligion (he was worshiped by humans in Egyptian religion)

Language Spoken: 

Alignment: Neutral, sometimes good


Powers and Abilities: 

Partner(s): n/a

Relative(s): his parents


Likes: Meat, dancing, DJ, Crocs, Islam respect, Copts, history, humans, Crocfolks, Heart of the Egypt (bestowed)

Dislikes: Enn's lies, sacrifice, killing his crocodiles, extinction, rebellions, Khonsu (formerly), Archie (formerly), Nicolette (formerly), prejudice, genocide

Inspiration: himself

Sobek is the first-ever deity and minor tritagonist introduced in Worldcraft: Egyptian's Last Era and Weather Dragons: The Exodus.


The origin of his name, Sbk in Egyptian, is debated among scholars, but many believe that it is derived from a causative of the verb "to impregnate".

Physical Appearance

Sobek is the older crocofolk who became a new deity for Borean-speaking deities. Sobek is different from their gatorman, his dark spots lesser than their relatives, even his skin into copper olive skin. His colored eyes became red. His wardrobe designed for his Egyptian god, his two golden bracelets on the right shoulder, with wrist brace of lapis lazuli and sapphire, his girdle and shorts appear, his lash on the girdle with Nile crocodile emblem with blue stripes and yellow border.


Sobek possesses both master of water elements, superhuman strength, peak abilities, and their stronger bite forces crushing even steel can destroy. His weapon combination of staff, spear, khopesh, and crocodile's teeth called Crocodilopolis Fighting Cane, this weapon unbreakable.


Sobek is the arrogant and ruthless ruler of his race, a lot of gatorman or crocofolk. Even his title for his deity, his now into his patience and supportive, and mindful personal for his life and even the people who dares his Crocodilopolis. Sobek is the leader of crocodiles in Africa as his favorite menageries.

In Weather Dragons, he gained independent godlike powers and immortality by Horus and Hathor. Despite being ruthless, he was never disturbing a good person under Egypt's rules and even in Arabic ruled Egypt as well. He was never harming any people from Israel or nearby countries and distrusted Ramses II for Moses. He was distrustful of Anubis, his rival due to different races between anubites and crocofolk about the situations like life and death.


Sobek's name was identified as Piyum in demigod descent at Cairo, Egypt. He is the farmer and born rejected by Hathor and Horus to prevent any further massive damage from Apep in Fertile Crescent. Horus left his own son to adopt the mortars to care for Piyum at first.

Ra, the god of Sun who watches Piyum using his powers as a true god. Bahiti, Piyum's first girlfriend at the age of 20 because of his decision for his family, reputation and starting to build the Great Pyramid of Giza as his dream when along with the extinction of woolly mammoths.

The unknown suitor destroys the couple by the silent assassination and both die as first murder and massacre since for Cain. Due to the suitor's influential ideas from Cain and Ra enrages. The unknown leader, who is bestfriend of Piyum, the Ethiopian processor who buried the couple near the Nile river and guarded Nile crocodiles prevents the suitor from destroying the grave. The suitor destroyed and scorched the whole area of the Nile river as a sign of arson, some crocodiles burned to death. The suitor was punished by the processor and killed by his axe as a sign of justice and forlornly the grave. Piyum's soul transfers to the newborn crocofolk named Sobek. The crocofolks of Luxor noticed a new god for crocofolks in Faiyum.

Sobek watches that his real foster parents are buried due to illness and in the near of Nile river when he buries with his lover. Wields his own powers and crafted his weapon by the blacksmith forge of the mixed spear and sword into the one. Due to his godlike powers, Anubis noticed that Sobek and him were fighting each other for ruling in the Nile river and Sobek won and Anubis went back to the underworld to have his message made of papyrus papers.

Sobek notes for Samael that he won against Satan that ruled all over the regions of Hell or Muspelheim. Satan was ejected and overthrown from his fellows in the underworld and Samael or Anubis ruled each region of Muspelheim to prevent both Satan and Surtur ruling as bad tyranny. Causing the crocodiles and some humans worshipping him as only crocofolk became a new deity by Eostre. Beside his arrogant behavior and he protects any lovers from harm with his minions, there are crocodiles. He rules as Hephaestus and Aphrodite want him and accepts all kinds of creatures, including humans to make pregnancy. His name was "to impregnate" in Egyptian and Coptic language in Arab ruled modern Egypt and he hibernates without his worshipers.

