Galadriel Amelia Hegrikultras

Maine Galadriel Amelia S. Hegrikultras

“ Nothing in my life, lighter than petals. This is my elegance. ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: 

Other Names: Galad; Sunnie (by Miller); Amelia (by Amberley and Melissa)

Born: August 7, 2873 at Sacramento, California City, California Republic

Species: Elf

Nationality: American

Age: 141

Gender: Female


Language Spoken: English, Western Elvish, Spanish, French, Ilocano, Hungarian, Abisoran, Monijan

Alignment: Good

Paraphernalia: Magic wand, rosary, magic ring

Powers and Abilities: 

Partner(s): Miller (ex-boyfriend)

Relative(s): Amberley (young sister); Melissa (mother); Rowan (father)


Likes: Honey, butter, water mirror, dancing, Miller, Isabella, Amberley, Camilo, Oliver, Nicolette, Archie, books, geology, fashion, drawing, harmonica, flute music, singing, animals, faithful, fairies, friendliness, arts, culture

Dislikes: Spoiled, selfishness, idiot, feud, Wilson, silverfish, firebrat, homeless, divorce, jealous, arrogance, genocide, force marriage, very ugliness, overloaded beauty, martial law, betray, useless, tortured, angry canines

Inspiration: herself by Tolkien and fictional

Galadriel Amelia Hegrikultras née Sharthora is a secondary and supporting fictional character introduced in Worldcraft: Elf's Heritage. The primary deuteragonist of Isabella Morrison at her mission.


From Indo-European and Elvish Surname: "grassland tradition", Western Elvish: "bright", Eastern Elvish: "shine". Galadriel is only one of Elvish names and even rarest first names of humans in the world.

Physical Appearance

Galadriel is the elf with a natural beauty, pale and soft skin, pinkish white nails, blonde hair and eyelashes, and even light blue eyes (both same as Amberley and her father Rowan Javier). Galadriel always wears the same metallic accessories from rosary, ring, and crown made of various real-life or fictional metals. She wears white dress with long religious sleeves, with tan-colored corset; white shorts or pantalets; white petticoats; white thigh-length stockings; and black or white ballet flats with Hybornian engraved patterns or wear black slippers while Reinachos and Earth (this footwear occurs in Berbania, Reinachos, and Jotunheim are oceanic climate planet much like Baguio city and Indonesia in their unstable temperature).


She and her sister can hypnotize Rothbart’s minions to put them to sleep. Galadriel has magical powers, she possesses the light and nature elements. Only ethnic elves are Catholicism with Oliver as the adopted son, her parents, while her boyfriend Miller is Protestantism. Galadriel possesses her magic from her accessories like unobtainium-made rosary and orichalcum-adamant magic ring to ensure her checking the environment, example Galadriel was invisible at night and midnight also and after the dawn. If passes or copied the same elements from her friends and allies like Miller's earthquake; Arleigh's ice magic; Leonardo's lance friction; Isabella's combined magic; Archie's melting blades; Nicolette's wind magic; Loniarabap-Ferasothar's electric magic; Franco's fire; Florence's plant magic; and even Clara and Odette's various songs (Galadriel and Amberle have own melodious hum music).


Galadriel is one of only a few known Morrison-Buenaventura's allies to have been logical to both Amberley and herself, according to Queen Arianna. She was motherly to Oliver before he decided to go to the Jorelavo royal family. In the pre-Worldcraft series, Galadriel was polite when young Archie and Nicolette had the same rights and safety, including their wants and caring. Galadriel was never spoiled because, can't deserve it if she was prettiest and more beautiful than jealous. For her progressive and alternative missions of Reinachos and Jotunheim for Nicolette Jorelavo's last mission against Roxana Maldado. Hegrikultras also cares and protects Miller's family and Isabella's friends from harming, also she plays a part of role to save Miller from Wilson, from Tiqojarha's another mission against Crom Cruach and Anton's revenge, to from Rothbart to Roxana's deadly plot.


During the pre-event, she was caring for Nicolette and Archie from Clarissa Jasmine, Archie’s mom for duty and from the sabotage.



