Heloise Szekely

Heloise Szekely

“ Many desirable things with no clue what the weather is like. ”

Background and Character Information

Full Name: Heloise Nicomaine O'Brian Szekely Horvath

Other Names: 

Born: Oct 6, 1999

Race: Human

Nationality: Hungarian-Irish-German (later American)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Occupation: Meteorologist; Conservationist-Hunter

Language Spoken: English, Irish, Hungarian, others

Alignment: Good

Paraphernalia: Hissengasier (Weather Halberd, by Saurfolks), shield, journal

Powers and Abilities: Manipulation of weather and natural disasters, empathic weather modification, peak-human abilities, love embodiment

Partner(s): Joszef Horvath (currently wife)

Relative(s): Dorottya (sister-in-law), Bartal (brother-in-law), Napoleon (adopted brother-in-law), Eleanor (adopted aunt-in-law), Heloise (second wife), †Alma (mother-in-law), Dino (father-in-law)


Likes: Joszef, doughnuts, cookies, chocolate, milk, cloud, raining, Antonio, history, teaching, assignment, dancing, fashion, influencing, protecting, Frost, arts, selfie

Dislikes: Dishonest, temper tantrum, disrespectful, murderous, blamed, threatened, accused, treated him as monster, herpetophobia (formerly), arranged marriage, against exploitation, sexism, discrimination, prejudice, dumb, dumbass, teenage pregnant, divorce

Inspiration: Ines Kannoyan from the Life of Lam-ang, Maria Blanca from Adarna Bird

Heloise Szekely is a main titular protagonist introduced in Weather Dragons: Siehnam vs Against the Odds. She's the real reincarnate of Empress Sisi and the early mother of two children that she's teenage pregnancy. Like Joszef, she's born with magical powers. She was born in Republic of Ireland from Hungarian descendant.


Both the native's words for his family: Heloise is from French word for wealth and in Hungarian: Székely for "frontier guards".

Physical Appearance

Heloise Szekely is the Irish Hungarian descendant, pinkish brown skin, smooth and straight jet black hair like Joszef, pale yellowish nails, hot red lips, rosy cheeks, and green colored eyes.

Her clothes are fit for Hungarian traditional clothing based on the national flower, tulip and foreign flower, jacaranda. Heloise wears black sleeve t-shirt with white collar with red tulip bulbs and laces. Also have a long knee length tunic-like gown with green buttons and green edged line, light cyan green capes similar to fairy's wings, and brown belt. Heloise's footwear include the white stockings and brown sandals with purple tulips, these are jacarandas.


Unlike her parents, Heloise wields water to form like a spear into solid water spikes when she controls. Heloise was very violent and cried to command thunderstorms or drizzle depending on her mood, the same ability as Pepa Madrigal. She wields any weapon, including Joszef's sword to enhance the weather control into the elements.


Heloise Szekely highly enjoys school and learning, especially things like math (which the rest of her peers don't like, including Alberto Scharen). Heloise was very in love with her first mate, Joszef Horvath. She's carefree, reckless, and didn't really care what people thought her powers resembled from Pepa Madrigal. During her accidental mating until the event, she was anxious to the point of causing a hurricane, quickly getting angry when she was an early mother and teenage pregnancy; many people injured and couldn't blame her.

Joszef or the Horvaths and they have almost opposite personalities, Heloise loves her husband and always smiles when he supports or helps her for her family. Heloise was a caring, tendering mother towards her children and cares about them to Horvaths and historical characters. She was unable to summon the weather when she had a strategic plan due to convergent evolution, that she's anger without causing hurricanes or storms everywhere. She's currently fearless and reckless for protecting Joszef and Frost, the Sleetwing dragon that loves her. Due to her reincarnate, Empress Sisi, her time as a fashion icon and trendsetter, but also likes history and became a knightness including she's social influencer and meteorologist, even for caring like Antonio Madrigal, Taran and Eilonwy.


Coming soon.


