Abstergo Industries

"They are known as Abstergo Industries. We know them as the opponents of Templars, Assassins, and Hunters, Miss Lesley. We had been at odds with them for thousands of years. Even more if you believe the origin stories. I do. After all, I have witnessed the truth."

―William Miles about Diana Spencer, Lesley Punzalan, and Quirin Stearns in 1990 AD

Historical & Organizational Information

Formed: 19372024 AD

Dissolved: 2025 AD

Reorganized: 2500s–3023 AD


Leader's Title: 







Abstergo Industries is a multinational corporate conglomerate, and the primary front for the modern day activities of their own. One of the largest and most prominent corporations in the world, Abstergo Industries and its former predecessors were responsible for the majority of human technological development for the past millennia. These are main antagonists introduced in Worldcraft, Two Lights, Equation, Rescris, Historya Davvun, Legends from Fertile Crescent, No Way to Seaway, and Weather Dragons as part of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure.

By 2012, Abstergo Industries had expanded into a variety of business sectors, establishing subsidiaries such as Abstergo Entertainment and The Anti-Templar Campaign. In the same year, Abstergo Industries was being investigated by the US government for the "New Fluoride" experiment and was about to have its accounts frozen, leading the company to hasten their planned Eye-Abstergo satellite launch in order to locate all humanity and expose it for assassination.


Abstergo is a Latin verb, meaning "I cleanse".


However, Abstergo's Chalom Project was a huge success, which helped to compensate for the Baku pogrom. Subject 69 (Nilan Punzalan, a Conservationist Hunter) was captured by the Lineage Discovery and Acquisition department in September to take the place of the deceased Subject 68 (Nicko Sergeyevich, a Templar). Subject 69 survived the Animus and was able to offer Abstergo with a holographic map describing many Pieces of Eden, though he was quickly apprehended by his family and Diana Spencer and her friends.

Under the orders of Daniel Cross and Eddie Sargsyan, two Abstergo members attempted a drive-by shooting at Lesley's house in 1992 in order to kill Subject 69. However, Subject 69 was not present, and Monte Melkonian was killed instead. The Armenians stormed into the house, only to discover that his member had been murdered by Abstergo.

Due to Aswang ancestry and eliminating all agents and drinking enemy blood, repeated attempts at reacquire Subject 69 have been unsuccessful to date. Abstergo recently dispatched its top recruits and Daniel Cross in order to eliminate Subject 69, Quirin Stearns, the ruler of the Templar Order, Diana Spencer, the commander of Conservationist Hunter, Subject 69's half-brothers, and William Miles, the de facto leader of the Assassin Order.

Daniel was able to track Subject 69 and his hideout to Baku, Azerbaijan, after becoming frustrated with Abstergo's loss of Subject 69. Daniel cornered Subject 69 at gunpoint when he attempted to steal a Terran Artifact battery from an office in Sumgait. Nilan, on the other hand, disarmed Daniel with his extraordinary power and knocked him out with the battery before fleeing with a wild Aralez, an Armenian dog-winged dragon.

Desmond then ordered the remaining members of the guards to commit suicide. Desmond led William out of Abstergo with the Apple of Eden in his hand after liberating his father. Nilan was executed by Pingking and Guiaya to stop the forces of darkness, and she was later kissed and resurrected in her soul by Princess Diana Spencer, who faded herself into heaven. The Punzalan and Miles clans and their allies destroyed the Abstergo building and fled before Hades and Persephone fled, and the riots ended before the countdown ended to 2000.

Abstergo eventually canceled the satellite launch because they were unable to obtain the wanted Piece of Eden in time due to the forces comprised of the Punzalan clan, Team Tahvor, Grupo Cinco and their allies, the Weather Dragon Organization, and the Kingdom of Arendelle in AD 2025.


Despite genuinely contributing to the technological development of society, Abstergo Industries' primary mission, as dictated by its former Templar, Assassin, and Hunter members, was the destruction of the Assassin Order, Templar Order, and Conservationist Hunters, the procurement of advanced technologies originally created by the Terran Deities, and establishing a New World Order.

The ultimate goal of Abstergo Industries was the New World Order, a concept of worldwide hazardous life for its own under the control and oversight of a one-world government that exterminates all except Abstergo members. For centuries, the Abstergo Industries waged a clandestine war against the Assassins, Templars, and Hunters, who believed that humanity could achieve peace through free will and hatred, in order to bring about the New World Order. When the Templars established Abstergo Industries in 1937, it was removed from the Templars' control in 1950. The company was able to manipulate and puppeteer many important political figures, as well as kill historical and fictional figures in order to achieve their own objectives.

The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory that hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually achieve world domination and rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Many influential historical, fictional, and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

Because of the New World Order, the Son of Darkness is set to be the most powerful Evil Hybrid to rule the people, the planet, and the nine realms of existence, as well as to destroy the humanity and all of the existence, the factions like Assassin Order, Templar Order, and Conservationist Hunters, as well as gods and the things they created, including organisms. The plot twists when it is revealed that the predicted Son of Darkness by Abstergo Industries is not the real evil being, Cisko de Cruz, but the oldest grandson of the Aswang King—Nilan Punzalan, the main protagonist and half-human, half-aswang, and half-god. However, since Nilan is the eldest grandson of the Aswang King, he himself is the prophesied Son of Darkness, the most powerful Evil Hybrid which is set to rule over the entire planet, create the Three Days of Darkness to forever Darkness, and 1999 genocides all over the world until December 25, and destroy his mortal enemies: the Assassin Order, Templar Order, and Conservationist Hunters—which also happens to be him.

Tools and Equipment

The vast majority of Abstergo's employees were unaware of the company's Templar, Assassin, and Hunter roots and, as a result, were not Templars themselves; this included the company's scientists, engineers, and several CEOs. Abstergo also employed hundreds of corporate spies, including sleeper agents, in companies all over the world. At their locations, the company also employed a number of heavily armed security personnel; these individuals were skilled combatants from Templars, Assassins, and Hunters, armed with firearms, hidden blades, tasers, melee weapons, and even magical abilities.

Animus Project / Chalom Device

Abstergo began their Animus Project in September 1985, with Dr. Warren Vidic as the head operative. The project initially relied on psychoanalysis, hypnosis and chemicals to unlock genetic memories in their subjects, though it all changed with the invention of the Animus, which enabled subjects to synchronize with their ancestors' memories in a virtual reality environment. The Animus was called by the Hunters as Chalom (Hebrew: חולם; "dream") that steal for used by the Assassins, Hunters, and Templars to indicates the artifacts to keep safe from Abstergo members in 1987 AD.

The Chalomi Training Program was also launched in 2012 to train recruits to become lethal agents by synchronizing their skills with those of great Templar, Assassin, and Conservationist agents and ordinary people from centuries before.