
“ This remote sea of black clouds haunts the mysterious creature. This is not a choice. Older than you and biologically related to deities, this floating black-and-white, unidentified creature uses weird magic to rescue foes. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Born: beyond Hadean (at Ginnungagap)

Residence: Yao

Species: Eldritch Terror

Size: Larger




Pantheon: Yao

Time Period: Hadean - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★


Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Dark, chaos

Inflicts: Darkblight, chaosblight, horrified, slowness

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Active (Extinct in the Wild (EW) – IUCN Red List)

Namungumi is a mythical creature introduced in Worldcraft: Berbania's Last War.

Namungumi is one of the true Eldritch Terrors in African folklore, known as a whale but mostly controversial about this creature that does not belong to anything else.


The Namungumi or Nalumgumi, usually translated to "whale," features in the initiation ceremonies of the Yao people of Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania.

Physical Appearance

Namungumi, depicted during the inyago rituals, is a four-limbed being. The bioluminescent webbing between the limbs is stylized and ornamental, and two knobs that indicate the junction of the neck with the forelimbs and the tail with the hindlimbs, respectively, are present. Its head is surrounded by large tusks. At midnight, bioluminescent features on the body illuminate due to a complicated grid pattern crisscrossing the entire body.


Namungumi have the ability to fly or float in suspense animation, using their unique organs that are located close to the diaphragm for buoyancy. With no additional eyes or mouth, Namungumi is unable to land; their bright spherical form may spew aether balls that terrify people, and paralysis is thought to be more deadly when it is farther away from the Crawfordsville Monster.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Namungumi may have its own ecological niche, similar to several mythical animals and cryptids; however, the ecological balance differs depending on the Yao tribes of Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique. Since these Eldritch Terrors can float in the air or swim in the ocean, they are not really whales in the traditional definition, which terrifies all living things.

Aside from Agartha and Svartalfheim, Berbania has a plethora of other documents; however, the records pertaining to this beast are hidden under Spanish authority because of the monster's extremely violent behavior and mental state. It consumes everything, even people. Unlike Eldritch Terrors and Dragon Gods, Namungumi had no predators and could not be killed, unlike Archie Buenaventura and Isabella Morrison who had Comiean and Adamantitium metals, a mineral that resembled metal and could kill Eldritch Terrors in any form, including swords and holy water.


The Namungumi is a dangerous monster; however, it may calm down after being eaten. Because of its size and ability to fly, the beast can usually get away from most situations, but if it is cornered or surrounded, it may become aggressive.

Distribution and Habitat

Namungumi was located in the Africa region, where Yao tribes exist.


Namungumi was untamed and is an Eldritch terror.


Coming soon


This lonely black sea of clouds haunts the mysterious known creature. Older than you and the organisms to deities, this floating black and white unknown creature salvages enemies with their strange magic, this is not an option.

—Eostre (2021)


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

Coming soon
